15. London

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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।


"One day he is going to return for her and that is the moment when she is going to realize she is not like other girls. Thomas, we cannot let him to get her, we cannot let him take her, we-we-" Eloise slid against the wall with her hands gripping her hair.

"Eloise. Sweetheart, I need you to calm down." Thomas wrapped his arms around his wife and cradled her head in his shoulder.

"You knew the bargain we made before she was born. If he returns, eventually, he will come for her. He is going to claim what he feels is his. We are going to do what we can to protect our daughter. I am not going to let anyone harm her. She is ours."

Astoria's eyes snapped open. She felt the sweat dripping off her face and onto her neck. She tried to remember that memory, it must have happened when she was a young girl. Were her parents talking about her? If they were, why are they talking in a sense that she was owned by another person?

Astoria tried desperately to remember the rest of the conversation, but the memory slipped away as quickly as it came. She had to rise and get ready for the day.

Divination was a class Astoria never took before. It was not offered at Beaxubaton Academy, so she was eager to see what the class entailed. She was always interested in learning about the future and what was ahead for her.

"Welcome my children! Come! Come! Sit, sit. Time to get started."

Professor Trelawney dressed like a girl who could not let go of the 70s and Astoria wondered if she dabbled with the muggle drug marijuana. She seemed to be cooked within the clouds when she was discussing the future or the deaths of her students.

Astoria was sat at a table with Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. Astoria was thrilled to see Harry again; she had not seemed him since the prior year at the Yule Ball. He became such a good friend to her. Astoria still did not know much about Granger. She seemed to be reserved and not open to making friends, especially Slytherin friends.

"What do you see in the crystal my dear? Can you decipher the message?" Trelawney said while staring deeply into Astoria's eyes. She began to grow a little uneasy with such close eye contact, but she quickly realized that was Trelawney's way of communicating.

"Uhm-Ahh- I see a bunch of smoke?" Astoria gave a confused look and sigh.

"Smoke? That means currently, your future is unclear..." Granger said.

"Unclear? Meaning?"

Trelawney leaned him, taking hold of Astoria's hand.

"My dear, it could mean, very soon you will be faced with a life altering decision. I fear. If you choose wrong, you will not have a future to predict."

Astoria's eyes widened and began to pool. She could feel her chest begin to feel heavy. She felt Harry take her hand and Hermione place her hand on her shoulder.

Always, Astoria जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें