39. Heart Strings

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Astoria jolted herself awake to the sound of Hermione moaning in pain. She shot up from the armchair and examined Hermione's wounds. For some strange reason, the wounds were taking ages to heal even with the magic of Essence of Dittany. Astoria felt conflicted with sending an owl for help or somehow managing to portkey back to Hogwarts and allow Madame Pomfrey to heal her. The problem with the second option is Pomfrey is going to ask where Hermione was to be attacked by a Lethifold. It was too dangerous for the Hogwarts staff to ask questions about the girls' whereabouts, and if the information got back to Snape that Astoria brought Hermione in with suspicious magical creature wounds Astoria would be backed into a corner. Then the procedure of reversing the magic of her imprint would be done for.

Astoria began to change the bandages on Hermione's neck when her eyes snapped open. Hermione focused in and then lowered her gaze. Astoria cleansed the wounded areas to the best of her abilities, and she put wrapped her leg in fresh gauze. It seemed Hermione packed for any worst outcome in her tiny bag. Astoria was grateful in this moment that Hermione was prepared.

"When can we travel home?" Hermione murmured.

Astoria pondered for a moment and considered Hermione's ability to travel.

"If you feel well-enough to Portkey twice then we can leave as soon as you are dressed. We will Portkey back to Germany. The wounds are not healing at the speed they should be, so I am not sure if it is a safe idea in your condition." Astoria concluded while packing up the supplies.

"I-I feel perfectly well. Once I am back in Hogwarts, I have potions I can take to defend against infection and enhance a faster recovery." Hermione said lowly while trying to get herself out of bed.

Astoria attempted to give her a hand with getting up, but Hermione waved her off. Astoria could tell that Hermione was writing off her obvious pain, but she was a big girl who could make her own decisions. If Hermione said she was able, then Astoria was not going to argue. She got what she came to Romania for, vampires' blood, the mission was complete. Although, there was some turbulence the mission was a success.

Astoria set up the portkey outside and waited for Hermione to, slowly, walk out to her. Astoria gave her a reassuring nod and Hermione acknowledged by returning one. The girls took each side of the portkey and counted off. They were spinning through the air and Astoria caught a glimpse of the look of terror on Hermione's face. She noticed she was holding her breath and gripping tightly onto the portkey. When it was time for the girls to let go, Hermione let go too early and was dropped to the ground with great force. Astoria walked to the ground and noticed Hermione on the ground, gasping for breath. She rushed to her side.

"What the devil happened! Why did you let go early! Are you mad?" Astoria said sharply while helping Hermione to stand.

Hermione was still gasping for breath due to having the wind knocked out of her. She held onto Astoria's arm tightly and caught her balance.

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