41. Erised

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The air was warmer than ever. The breeze felt refreshing against Astoria's skin. The procedure was going to commence in a couple of days and Astoria decided to get her ducks in a row. She was not sure if she was going to live through the experience, so she needed for everyone she loved to know she loved them back. Astoria plopped a squat on a sunlit grass patch on the grounds of Hogwarts and began to write to the people who meant most to her.

                                 Mother and Father,

                             I cannot explain much, but what I can say is I understand now why you chose this life for me. I understand that you could not live in a world where you carried the grief of a stillborn baby. This is me saying thank you for bringing me into this world. I have had experiences only a few can dream of. I have loved and been loved deeply. Please take care of Daphne. I care for her so. I am sorry I failed you in living the life you planned for me. Forgive me.


Astoria sealed the letter with a flick of her wand and placed it carefully into her satchel. She knew she could not explain the reasoning for her death to her parents, but perhaps it would be better for them not knowing. She wanted her parents to know that she forgave them for what they had to do to save her life, but now she was asking for their apology in the reason she could not save her own life. The next letter was going to someone who she loved dearly, and would kill for, her best friend Lilla.


                          I am sorry I was not honest with you sooner. I did not have the courage to explain who I was, and why this happened to me. If you want the whole story, ask Theo. I am sorry he knew before you did. Forgive me. I hope in some way you find happiness with Antonin. I know it is not ideal, but darling, nothing in our lives is. Live the life you desire. Spend money, drink Italian wine, and become the goddess I always knew you were. Lilla, you were always my most valued friend. Love to you always.


Astoria felt the tears pooling her eyes. She slammed her hand onto the book she was writing on and felt frustration. It felt as if she was already dead. She was just waiting in line for the final blow. She lit a cigarette and braced herself for the final letter. A letter to Draco Malfoy. This was by far the most difficult letter she was going to write.


Astoria's quill faltered for she could not find the correct words. How can she write a goodbye letter if she promised too always be there with him? She took puffs of her cigarette and thought hard about what her last written words to him were going to be. Then she peered up and saw Theo walking toward her in the great distance. She wanted to finish this letter now and be done. She wrote the only words that came to mind when her quill hit the parchment.

Always, Astoria Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant