26. The Moment

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"No, no unhand me!"

Astoria felt a pair of masculine hands scoop her off the black tiled floor. She saw the Dark Lord with her naked eye, and she saw him standing over Harry. He is going to hurt Harry. She must save him. She must aid him. Astoria slightly opened her eye to notice long blond hair. Everything was distorted. She smelled peppermint and mahogany. The figure who held her in his arms was wearing black, elegant, fitted robes, followed by a frightful skull mask. Astoria tried to kick herself free but physically she was paralyzed. Why couldn't she move? Where was she going?

Astoria managed to roll her head to the side, and she saw pink. So much pink in her view. Then she heard the disturbingly cheerful female voice. She knew that wretched voice.

"She was with Potter. I merely stunned her. When she is returned to the castle rennervate her and make sure she is secure. The Dark Lord will want no harm to her. Do you understand woman?" The tall, pale skinned, long blond-haired man said.

"Perfectly. Lucius." Umbridge said with a snark.

Astoria awoke in the Slytherin common room. How she got there her mind cannot fathom. She got up walked over to the windows to see the merpeople in the Black Lake. Her head felt strangely clear and light. Normally, when she awoke in the morning, she would take the potions prescribed from Snape for her cranial pain. Today she was feeling better and decided to skip that step.

Where was she last night? Did she go drinking with Lilla? Was she up all night talking to Pansy?

She strode up to her dormitory to find Pansy asleep in her bed, and to no surprise, Blaise was next to her. His arms draped over her and they were blissfully asleep. Astoria quietly crept into the loo and that's when the pain reemerged, along with the memory of last night.

She looked at herself in the mirror and to her surprise her face was far from looking normal. Her hair blond hair was matted, her bottom lip has a blood crusted slice, and she had another gash from under her chin. Astoria went to lean in closer to the mirror when her torso rubbed up against the sink and she let out a gasp.

She carefully ran her hand over her torso, over her shirt and let out another small gasp. She quickly lifted her shirt over her head and noticed bruising along the bottom of her ribs. It looked as if someone grabbed her and drug her away.

She remembered long blond hair, and pink. Why would someone violently handle her? Or mishandle her? She looked at herself in the mirror and began to practice her occlumency.

Focus Astoria. Fucking focus. She tore through her own mind with what seemed like a mental knife. Carving through the alien walls that were not there yesterday.

She soon realized someone had obliterated her, but her attempted to. A witch or wizard who is skilled in legilimens and occlumency can often tell when a certain memory is intended to be erased. The memory was trapped behind a mental wall inside herself.

Always, Astoria Where stories live. Discover now