29. Black Water

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Astoria was going to enjoy as much time she had left in Porthcurno. Draco and Astoria played a few more rounds of cards, and the next wager included whoever lost, was stuck cooking dinner.

After two rounds of Malfoy making a poker come back, he won the wager.

Astoria had never cooked a meal in her life, but there was no time like the present to try. She strode into the kitchen and looked inside the icebox for ingredients.

The only thing that was in fridge were eggs, sausages, and potatoes. She huffed and decided she was going to make bangers and mash. How hard could it be? She took the kettle out from the shelf and put on a pot.

While the tea was heating, she noticed the record player nearby. A touch of dinner music would not hurt anyone, and to her surprise she found some her favorite records. The album Rumors by Fleetwood Mac, her favorite band.

Astoria was very excited and let the music stroll into her ears. Astoria began to cook the sausages in the pot until Draco came into the kitchen.

"Do we really have to listen to this absurd music?" He said while rolling his eyes.

Astoria turned around and glared at him.

"Just let the record play. Once it's over you can spin whatever you wish." She said cheerfully while flipping the sausages.

"Have you ever picked up a cooking pot in your life?" Draco said lowly while peering over her shoulder.

"Erm... no." She said while licking her lips.

Astoria was an aristocratic woman and in her house the elves did the cleaning, cooking and yard work. She had no need to lift a finger.

"You're going to burn the potatoes." Draco said while scooting her over and trying to take control.

Astoria budged him back and shooed his hands away from the stove.

"Bug off. I can do this." She said while trying to keep the potatoes from burning before her. Another minute on the heat and the mashed potatoes were going to become mashed ash.

She finally took the food off the stove and plated it. It was nothing fancy, but it had to do.

Well, did she make you cry?

Make you break down.

Shatter your illusions of love?

The song Gold Dust Woman was filling the kitchen and Astoria's humming was more than apparent. Malfoy kept glaring toward her across the table, lowly laughing to himself.

"What brings you so much amusement? Is my cooking funny?" Astoria shot at him.

She did try her best at cooking. What did he expect, five-star quality? Draco was probably no better cook than her, but she tried. Which is more than she would ever expect of him.

Always, Astoria Where stories live. Discover now