23. Soldiers Loyalty

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Two chapters in one day!? Yes! I was feeling the inspiration so I decided not to dilly dally and get this chapter out tonight! Enjoy! Vote and Comment! xxx

Two chapters in one day!? Yes! I was feeling the inspiration so I decided not to dilly dally and get this chapter out tonight! Enjoy! Vote and Comment! xxx

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Astoria was walking through the long dark hallways of the castle. It felt like she was floating through them. No destination. No journey intended. She needed to clear her mind. She often found herself needing more of that lately. To be alone with her thoughts and not think too hard on her future. She had decided she would make the most out of her freedom while it lasted. Astoria knew the Dark Lord has not officially returned so there was a slight chance he died. Highly unlikely, but a young girl can dream of her own master's demise.

Astoria was running her hand along the wall when suddenly the wall turned into a large door that reached the ceiling. She jumped back and was confused at what she had found.

She pressed her hand up against the door to make sure she was not imagining it, and just then she heard commotion coming from the other side.

It sounded like people dueling. Astoria pressed her ear up against the door to hear better before the door flew open and she hit the ground of the inside.

"Tori?" A familiar voice said as she was gathering herself up.

It was Harry.

She looked around and saw many Gryffindor students and some Ravenclaws. She noticed Ron, Hermione, and Luna. She did not know Luna well, but she was best friends with her sister.

"Harry? Ron? Hermione?" She peered around making eye contact with everyone and they all stared back at her with confusion.

"How did you manage to find us?" Hermione asked as she shoved her way to the front and in front of Astoria.

Astoria did not know Hermione Granger well, but she knew this girl was a know-it-all. She had her most of her classes and sometimes she wanted to throw a silencio charm her way or chop her arm off if she raised it once more.

"Find you? I was not looking for you. Any of you in fact." She fixed her jumper and pulled down her skirt that rode up as she fell over.

Ron approached Harry and grabbed hold of his arm.

"She cannot be in here Mate. She is a Slytherin. Slytherin's are not trustworthy." He then made eye contact with Astoria and gave her an apologetic look. "No offense, Tori."

"We need to obliviate her." Hermione said abruptly.

Just before Astoria could speak to ask more questions a familiar face came out from the shadows. It was her sister. Daphne.

"Astoria?" Daphne said in a low inquisitive tone. Daphne looked stunned to see her sister and happy. She had not seen her since before she left to visit with their parents.

Always, Astoria Where stories live. Discover now