30. Undying Loyalty

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Astoria observed the tall structure that stood before her. Keep yourself calm, she kept reminding herself. Steady your breathing, Astoria, she kept saying in her mind.

Snape, with his stiff posture, shot Astoria a look and she nodded.

"Keep your mouth closed and head up. You are the one they fear, Miss. Greengrass." Snape said lowly and with concerning hints.

Astoria never gave much thought to if people feared her. At Hogwarts she knew some people disliked her for who she was, what she did with Cedric and how she betrayed Daphne. She was often caught by house prefects for smoking on the open grounds. Smoking was considered a filthy habit and it was not regarded as something proper witches did. Astoria would always get caught by the Gryffindor prefects. Gryffindor's always had their noses in situations that did not concern them.

The more she thought about it, Astoria could really use a calming smoke at this moment.

Why would people fear her? Astoria was a brilliant witch but was in no position to take on a master duelist or great wizard like Dumbledore. The thought of being feared gave Astoria an odd ego boost. If people feared her, then surely, they would heed her requests.

Snape and Astoria walked into Malfoy Manor and she had her wand clutched to her side. Ready for use at any given moment.

"Severus?" Lucius said as he peered through the living room. "To whom do I owe the pleasure for this visit?"

"Dolohov sent me an owl." Snape regarded in a low, drawled out tone.

Lucius then set his gaze upon Astoria and quirked an eyebrow. He was two inches from her face and lifted his cane to move a piece of hair from her forehead.

"And you brought the Dark Lord's precious one. My... my, this is a... great honor... Miss. Greengrass..."

Astoria backed away from Lucius and gave him a stern look with piercing eyes.

"Where is Draco?" Astoria blurted out.

She could tell Snape was agitated by her speaking, but she was tired of fooling around. She wanted to know if Draco was okay and where he was. She needed to physically see he was left unharmed.

Lucius took in a deep breath and flipped his long platinum hair over his shoulder.

"Why is my son's whereabouts your concern, girl?" He blurted out.

Snape interjected sharply. "Answer the question, Lucius."

Lucius snarked and let out a snort. "I do not have to answer to you Severus. That clown Dolohov did wrong by telling you Draco was taken away for questioning."

Astoria's eye began to pool, and her hand began to become stiff from clutching her wand so tightly. Rage was building up inside of her. She felt herself becoming consumed with clouded thoughts.

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