2. Beauxbaton Academy

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A/N: Please note that in the first half of this book, Astoria is a naive girl. We will be diving into her experiences at school, and like all adolescents, we learn from mistakes...

Lyon, France. Summer, 1994

"Welcome back ladies, it is a pleasure to see all your darling faces again. Please make haste girls into the main hall. There is an announcement to be told." Astoria glared over at her tall headmistress, Madam Maxime. Maxime was wearing a yellow large over coat, followed by grey slip-on shoes.

"What do you suppose the announcement is Tori?"

"I am not sure Fleur. Maybe we are getting a new etiquette and poise professor. Ever since Professor Trudy resigned last year after having to deal with fifteen-year-old smart mouth girls, Madam Maxime has been on the look out for a new instructor." Astoria paused and leaned in further to her friend's ear. "Merlin knows some of the girls around here would benefit from learning some basic social etiquette." The two young ladies chuckled, and their eyes flashed toward the front of the room where it seemed Madam Maxime was about to make her announcement.

"Welcome back again my darling girls. This is going to be a special year for not only the Beauxbaton Academy of Magic, but for every girl who is old enough to take part in this very special opportunity. We have been selected to participate in the Triwizard tournament that is taking place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Madam Maxime paused and allowed a member of the Ministry of Magic to take her place as the speaker and explain the situation further.

"For the ladies' safety, no girl under the age of seventeen will be permitted to participate in the tournament. Such measures were put in place by Cornelius Fudge, our minister for magic." The minister member paused and scanned the room slightly, locking eyes with a few of the ladies until he began to finish his speech. "This opportunity is not only for those willing to be selected for the tournament. All ladies who wish to support our champions and participate in viewing the tournaments tasks may join Madam Maxime in making Hogwarts their home for the rest of the school year. The minister feels that it is beneficial to meet students from all walks of the globe. I have nothing further. If you wish to join Madam Maxime please send an owl with your name printed on a piece of parchment and send them into me and I will assess them. We depart in one week's time. Thank you, girls, goodnight."

Astoria and Fleur scurried across the hall making haste to reach their common room. Both girls were sorted into the Ombrelune house. Girls who were Ombrelune were curious, ambitious, and cunning. Astoria liked to succeed in all she did, and she rarely ever lost a fight, no matter who was in her pathway.

To be sorted into a house at the Beauxbaton Academy one must shoot an arrow across the room, and after several seconds the arrow will burst out a color of a house. Whichever color bursts from the arrow is the chosen house for that witch.

When Astoria was eleven years old and first arrived to Beauxbaton she was determined to be sorted into Ombrelune, because she was a pureblood and most purebloods ended up in the Ombrelune house. Astoria held the bow and arrow in her hand, took a gaze at the target in front of her and released. When the arrow burst into blue, a small smirk glimmered on her face.

"Fleur, are you going to enter the tournament? You can since you're of age. Such a preposterous rule of having to be a certain age to participate in wizarding challenges. Such rubbish." Astoria inquired while glaring at her friend.

"I am pondering the idea. I must think about my little sister. I have heard these games can be dangerous, and I am not sure if eternal glory is worth the risk of leaving my little sister as an orphan." Fleur peered down as she was changing into her night attire, and grabbed a book that was on her nightstand.

"I guess you are right. At least you have a sister that cares so much for you. I have not spoken to Daphne since I saw her for Spring break. Since I did not return home for summer break, I have not seen my parents in over four months. I guess that makes me a bad daughter." Astoria bowed her head in shame and began fiddling with her thumbs. Fleur grabbed her hand, gave it a squeeze and gave her a reassuring look before diving into her book.

Astoria is English and French. Her father, Thomas Greengrass, was a noble Englishman and worked a high-powered job at the Ministry of Magic. Astoria's mother, Eloise Greengrass, was born in France and was close friends with Madam Maxime. Eloise had also attended the Beauxbaton Academy and she was thrilled when Astoria showed the same interest in studying magic where her mother did. Astoria also had a little sister, Daphne. Daphne attended school at Hogwarts and was sorted into Ravenclaw house. Daphne and Astoria rarely spoke and when they did it was minimalistic. Small talk about the family, school grades, and current friends. Astoria sometimes wished her, and Daphne had a better relationship, but she did not know if her sister felt the same, so she never reached out during the school year.

The next morning Astoria woke up to find Fleur writing her family about departing France and making her way to England.
"You really should write Daphne and announce your arrival. She's going to be pretty surprised to see her sister at Hogwarts if she is not expecting you." Fleur stated while still writing vigorously on the piece of parchment. She attached the letter to her owls beak and sent him off into the sky.

Astoria felt it was a good idea and she decided to write her parents and Daphne and announce the news of her journey to Hogwarts. After half an hour of trying to find the words, she came up with just a few.

Hey Daph,

I hope all is well. I know this is crazy, but I am coming to Hogwarts with the Beauxbaton's. I am accompanying Fleur while she attempts to participate in the games, and I want her to know she has my support. I just wanted to give you a heads up. I shall arrive alongside the rest of the girls by the end of the week.

See you soon.


Astoria sealed the letter and sent it off with her owl and hoping it will arrive by the end of the night. The next letter she began to write was to her parents.. she never wrote her parents during the term.

Mother & Father,

I will be arriving in England by the end of the week. I shall be spending this school year at Hogwarts with the rest of the girls from Beauxbaton and Daphne. I shall provide more detail when I arrive at the end of the week.


A couple days had passed since Astoria sent the letters and she heard no response from Daphne. She received an acceptance letter from her parents the next day, but she was nervous about hearing nothing from her sister. Would she be happy to see her? Mad that her older sister is invading her school life during the term? What was the reason for not replying to Astoria?

"Come Tori. The carriages are waiting, and we mustn't keep Maxime waiting. You know how she gets when the horses get angsty." Fleur signaled to Astoria while grabbing the rest of her luggage and making her way out of the dorm room.

Before Astoria picked up her bag, she scanned the room for the last time this year. Astoria enjoyed sleeping next to Fleur in this room. It had nice lighting in the morning. Perfect for painting, drawing, or reading quietly. Astoria enjoyed painting and would often paint what she felt. If she were feeling anxious her paintings would be out of place and filled with colors that do not fit. If she were feeling sad, a lot of the canvas would be empty, colorless, lifeless, nothing to show for. She would hope someone would notice her emotion through her artwork. So far, no one has picked up on her hidden signals through her art. Maybe someday.

Astoria stepped into the carriage and the ladies were taking shots of pink colored vodka and cheering to the Triwizard Tournament. Astoria accepted a shot glass and smiled at her friends. She knew things were going to be different in England, and she was not sure if she was prepared for a culture shock.

Always, Astoria Where stories live. Discover now