61. Come Back to Me

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September 22, 1999
The Burrow

George ran his fingers through his red hair and kept reading the letter Astoria wrote to him repeatedly. It had been a good amount of time since Hermione had been captured and every day, she was away from The Burrow he felt helpless. He felt as if he were failing Ron by not protecting Hermione and keeping her close.

George glanced over to the clock that showed the whereabouts of the Weasley family. What was once a joyful antique, now a painful reminder of the ones he has lost.

His twin brother and best friend, Fred during the Battle of Hogwarts. When the remainder of the Weasley's returned home they noticed that two spoons had fallen off the clock arms. Fred and Ron's, which indicated their deaths.

George did not take the death of his twin lightly, there were many times when he had mindset of closing the joke shop. Too many things reminded him of Fred.

However, George knew that Ginny was the one who would be in mourning the longest. She was in love with Harry Potter, and he was killed by Lord Voldemort by the curse of a blade. The Dark Lord could not even take his life in an honorable wizarding way, he took the muggle way out. George knew that Ginny's heart was in pieces, and probably would never fully recover, until she had her vengeance. Ginny sought revenge on not only Lord Voldemort, but on any Death Eater that crossed her path.

George's train of thought was interrupted when his little sister hastened into the kitchen.

"The blonde bitch sent the hairs, and the potion will be ready for us tomorrow." Ginny placed the hairs of Lilla and Antonin Dolohov into a vial and placed them on a mantle nearby. She huffed out a breath and pushed her hair back. "Dad said the Ministry will intervene as soon as we have Hermione."

George pursed his lips and played with a nearby quill between his fingers. Ginny decided that instead of merely saving Hermione, this would be the perfect time for Draco Malfoy to be brought to justice for his crimes. Ginny also hoped they would catch Astoria in the process and charge her with being in the Death Eater's council. All George cared about was rescuing Hermione and getting her back home.

He would not admit it to himself, but he missed her dearly. The way she would smile when she was getting to the climax of a book or when her expression would fall when something would remind her of Harry or Ron. Although George knew Hermione's heart once belonged to another, but his identity was unknown, that was, until the night Hermione got captured by the Death Eaters.

Ginny had no choice but to come clean to George about where Hermione went, and why. Hermione was still in love with Draco Malfoy. Hermione would not put her life on the line for just any old block. It made George's head spin on why Hermione would choose to love such a rotten individual, when George knew he could treat her the way she deserved to be.

Always, Astoria Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu