69. Andromeda

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"I forbid you to go." Draco spat.

Astoria rolled her eyes and proceeded to clasp the cloak around her neck. She knew why her husband was distraught. It was natural reaction to such a situation. Being the aid in destroying an all-powerful dark wizard is not an easy task, but steps must be taken, and sacrifices must be made.

"I will not quarrel with you again, Draco. This has been the plan for months and there is no way—"

Draco seized both her arms and held her in place, while connecting her gaze with his.

"When we agreed to aid the bloody Order, I thought I made myself clear when I told them you were not to be—"

Astoria shook her head and interjected. "I volunteered. I had to. I am the only one suitable for the task. Please understand."

Draco scoffed and let go of the grasp he had on his wife. Astoria wanted to get the task over and done with as soon as possible, so she could return to the safehouse. She knew that Draco understood that she was the only suitable witch to complete the task. It was why he was so angry because he did not want to face the truth.

The pale wizard continued to pace around the room until he threw a glass against the wall, and watched it shatter into hundreds of shards. Astoria startled herself, and it only made her anxiety shoot through the roof. Draco was acting like a pouty child not getting his way, and it was time for him to put on his man trousers.

"ENOUGH OF THIS!" She shouted. "You are to stop acting like a pathetic toddler and allow me to do this for the people I love." Astoria walked forward and cupped her husbands distraught face. "Je te reviendrais." I will come back to you. She said softly to him in French.

Draco lowered his head onto her shoulder, and she embraced him tightly, and he wrapped his arms around her body. The feeling of his warmth sunk into her body and made her anxiety trickle down.

"Promise me, you will return." Draco murmured.

Astoria glared into her husbands' grey eyes and connected their lips. She gave him a soft smile and brushed her nose with his. Astoria kissed the inside of Draco's wrist and whispered, "Le sang de mon sang." Blood of my blood.

"You cannot get rid of me that easily, darling." She purred.

Draco regarded his wife's face and ran his fingers through the strands of her hair that peaked through her cloak hood. He let out a few low breaths and was about to say something until, the was a knock at the door. Astoria called for the guest to enter and the couple same to notice it was her sister, Draco seized his hand from her face immediately.

"Oh—erm—hi. Tori, are you ready?" Daphne asked while keeping her arms crossed.

Astoria nodded, she kissed Draco passionately once more before making her exit with her sister. There was a slight doubt in her heart that that may have been the last time she would kiss her husband. If everything goes to plan, that would not be the case, and she would be home before dawn.

"I love you endlessly." Astoria said lowly.

Draco snorted and grazed her cheek with his thumb. "Ditto, Mrs. Malfoy."

Astoria walked and as she did her hand fell out of Draco's, she connected their eyes one last time before she closed the front door. Her eyes met with the lunar beauty that sat in the sky, and the chilled Scotland air caressed her face.

"Here is your wand." Daphne said while handing Astoria her beloved wand. Even though Theo was not fully on board with this mission, he did agree that Astoria should not go into this mission without her wand.

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