மறுமணமும் நறுமணமும்

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AN : Hi dears , this is yet again tit bit chap .
But unlike Mn3 nor MN4 ,there isn't much suspense or twists in this story .
It's a very thin story line based on only human emotions as always .
As well I've tried level best to stress the fact that love and passion for life partner , doesn't depend on external appearances , wealth or possessions . It always takes just two for tango !!
Nothing more ..
I don't know how well this story will get along with all . 
Periya story line nu nambi yemaarathinga 😁😁😁



Mullai was busy packing all her stuff .

She hadn't really had much of it to be honest .

Her daily wear wardrobe was nothing but a few dozen of simple sarees and cotton kurthis , that she had been repeating alternatively this one whole year .
Not that she didn't possess a liking for dressing up or being decked up always
That too being married for just a year at the tender age of 24 yrs .
Though she didn't own very much exclusive designer wears or costly grand Kanchivaram' s she did have a simple yet colourful wardrobe , as well immense sense of dressing .
But hers was always confined to traditional wear , maximum sarees .
According to her , saree is the best apparel that a woman can slay her beauty with ease .
But ,
What was the use of draping and decking up , just for her ownself to look in the mirror , cook a simple meal , take a small walk in that garden ( ofcourse when her husband was not seen in her field of vision only ) and then lock herself in her room back again .

Mullai was literally bored and drained off all enthusiastium of a young newly married wife .

She had lost interest in her dressing especially after hearing him address the way she dressed as Karnadagam !!

His statement on their wedding night still echoed in her ears .

You see Mullai , am all bored with seeing ladies dressing up in yards and yards of this silk crap .

Itha daily epadi than wear panraangaloo !.

Isn't it uncomfortable for you ?

Yetho parcel eh wrap panna maathri _ Yuck , what a dress !!

Karnaadakam !!

Actually the other day ,you were in a salwar know ?

You looked like a small girl in it !!

Athunaala than ,naan anaiku unna....

She very well remembered even now , how his face changed instantly and words stopped abruptly , whilst he brought up the topic of their first visit .

More than that , she even remembered how pleasantly he smiled up to her ,on their first  meeting .

She closed her heavy eyes and literally brought back that"  smiling face of his " once again , ( it must have been more than a thousand times in this whole year she had replayed and replayed that smile of his )

A warm , soul stirring , passionate smile that instantly darted straight into her soft heart and resided there permanently for good !!!

But then ,

Not once in this whole year ,he had smiled so to her .

Not even a warm look _ let alone a smile .

All she got to see this whole year was the iron like , cemented expressionless face of his !!!

Not really though ,

MIRUTHAN 5 _ IRANDAAM KADHAL Where stories live. Discover now