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It has been awhile and it was finally time for another ultrasound we would actually be able to see our little blob haha.  Me and Ryan were excited, we got in the car and headed to the doctors office. we got there and I sat on the bed and they put that gel stuff on my stomach and we looked up at the screen and the Doctor said well look at that and he showed us TWO BLOBS!!!!! Oh my gosh, twins!!  Well thats what you get for marrying a guy with  a twin sister a dad that has a twin, a grandpa with a twin and a great grandma with a twin and probably many more greats with twins, Ryan said with a smile, we both started laughing and the Doctor looked at him in shock and said thats alot of twins!, You better warn these babies when they get married because they will probably most likely have twins. Wow i was in shock.... The doctor printed us out 5 copies of the ultrasound. 

We made our first stop with the ultrasounds to Shay and Colette we walked in the house and Ryan said well we got the ultrasound today, will you please get the kids we want to show yall our precious blobs together mom adn dad didnt even notice that he said blobS haha. So they all walked in and me and Ryan held it up together.. Mom and Dad freaked out and the kids couldnt figure out why mom and dad were freaking out so i held the picture up again and said here is baby #1 and here is baby #2 and then they were freaking out... And then we said we had to go show Grandma and Grandpa so we gave Mom and Dad the ultrasound and we headed to Grandma and Grandpas and we told all the uncles and  aunts to be there too , we did the same thing at their house we held it up together and everybody was freaking out they were all so excited we gave them the ultrasound and said we had to leave.

We pulled up at Ryans moms house and when we walked in Allison and Rachel were sitting on the couch, we sat down on the couch across them and held it up they were both so excited, and we knew Allison was excited because she actually hugged us, so we gave them the ultrasound and left we went home and put one of the ultrasounds on the fridge and  mailed the last one to Auroras grandparents on her moms side of the family... 

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