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It has now been almost 9 months since ive got here that means i only have 3 months until i get out Ryan too. Me and Ryan have been together for 7 months. I think i really really like him, i think mom and dad will approve, i hope so.

Another month has passed, just 2 more until i can see my family and me and Ryan can be together all the time. I finally asked Ryan today where he was going when he got out, he said an orphanage, both of his parents died in a car accident.

I just got the best idea, my parents could foster him and he could live with us! Would that be wierd if i dated him, i dont think it would because we where dating before we foster him, that is if my parents agree to it.

I just realized something.... I havent cut in 8 months last time i cut was the day before i met Ryan. Im so proud of myself. I thought i would never stop but i did.

It is finally the day, me and Ryan have been together for 10 months and we get outta this place together today. Im so excited, me and Ryan sat together outside waiting for my parents to arrive, i already told them one of my friends would be coming over.

Auroras secret.... A Shaytards fanficWhere stories live. Discover now