chapter 1

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Auroras pov:

Hey guys, i have a problem, well actually lets go back to about two months ago: I woke up like it was any other morning, took a shower brushed my teeth put on makeup ate breakfast and waited for mom to take us to school.

Emmi came running down the stairs and told me that i lost her favorite hair clip and she got mad at me and said i was the worst sister ever so that started my day off bad, I got to school and the meanest girl at school came up to me and smiled and i was really scared, she said "Aurora! We want you to sit with us at lunch" i agreed to but still wondering why she asked ME to sit with her. I ate lunch with her and her friends for almost a week when it happened, i woke up and was having the worst hair day ever. Well we got to lunch and Allison stood up on the table and said every body look at Ugly Auroras hair!

Everybody and i mean EVERYBODY started laughing and i ran to the bathroom cryimg and you can only guess whi walked in after me, yep, Allison she said whats wrong Aurora, Embarassed? I said whyd you do that to me i thought you liked me and she said, "haha you thought" and walked out.

Also, a lot of people at school know about the vlogs and stuff and they bully me for it. I don't know why but they do and it fucking sucks.

Auroras secret.... A Shaytards fanficWhere stories live. Discover now