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i told mom the address and we headed there we pulled up to the house and we sat in the car for about 20 minutes talking i said Ryan if you dont want to do this we dont have to, no i want to do this im just scared i know babe i said. he said well lets go get this done i kissed him and then we got out my mom and dad wished him good luck.  We walked up to the door and knocked neither me or Ryan were ready for who opened the door........ The door opened and i felt like i was going to pass out  i looked at Ryan and said i think im going to pass out Ryan said why whats wrong? i just ignored him. Well i guess we better make sure it was really her Ryan said um are you Rachel Clark? She answered no not anymore im Rachel Stevens, Ryan said oh well i guess your not the one we better leave, she said why dont you two come inside we went inside and sat on the couch she sat down across from us and looked at me and said do i know you? i quicky shook my head. She said wait i know my daughter ALLISON always talks about you Ryan shot me a worried look.

I said oh yeah well thats not why we are here this isnt about me its about him and i pointed at Ryan. He said oh yeah umm have you seen this picture before and he pulled out the picture of him his sister and brother, she said yes thank you for returning it to me i lost it a few years back then Ryan said how about 15 years ago. she said oh how did you know he then said is your daughter home? she replied um yes. Ryan replied can you tell her to come here? she then said um yes i guess. she then yelled Allison come here! it was right then that i knew i was screwed. Alison walked out and said what mom? and then she looked at us and said what are they doing here, her mom then said they came to return this picture of you and your brothers that he found. And Ryan said no that is not why i am here!! Allison said then why are you here? ryan said Allison will you plese come stand in front of your mother? Allison said um yeah i guess... she stood in front of here and then Ryan stood by her and looked at her mother ad then Ryan said hi im Ryan Clark and then Allisons mom gasped and almost fainted she said Allison go get me a glass of cold water so Allison did and then Allison said what is the point of this why did my mom jus freak out?? Ryan showed her the picture and pointed at himself and said Allison i am your twin brother, she said no you cant be Ryan said oh well i am.

ryans pov: Trust me i dont want to believe it either... Whats that supposed to mean Allison said.  It means youve made my girlfriends life a living hell and now im figuring out that you are my sister.... I asked Rachel  i said why did everyone tell me that you and dad died in a car accident?! Rachel replied she said well uh your father actually did die it wasnt in a car accident either an intruder broke in and shot and killed him and it got blamed on me and i went to jail and i told everybody to tell my kids that we all died  and then when you and Allison turned 14 i got out and i looked for all my kids lucky for me Allison and Brad your big brother were found and Allison lived in this house with her single foster dad and we got together and married and then Brad decided that he wanted to move in too. And then i went to find you and i couldnt i was heart broken i talked to your last foster parent that i knew you had like 7 different foster parents i dont understand why though well yeah and so i had no clue where you were so i just waited and thought that maybe just maybe you would be found.

I then started, ok first off, i had 8 different foster parents i went through 6 different foster parents in 10 years the first two were abusive  the one after those 2 had me for 2 months and then he committed suicide the one after him tried to molest me so that one got arrested and then i got another foster parent and this ones kids tried to murder me with a kitchen knife so went my 6th foster parent and at this time i was 13 and at that point i was so hurt and confused i thought everybody hated me so then i started hurting my self i was cutting my wrists witha razor, burning myself with a lighter, pinching myself, biting myself, pulling my hair my foster  parents didnt find out until one time after school i attempted suicide, i overdosed on some rand medicine i found in the medicine cabinet and they got home and found me on the floor and took me to the hospital and then i was put in St.Anthonys  mental hospital and after the 1st year in there i was still niting, pinching, burning and, cuting myself and then one day at lunch i saw this girl sitting at a table so i sat down and we talked and after 2 months i asked her to be my girlfriend and from that day i stopped harming myself and then 10 months later we got released and i moved in with her and her family and a few days ago we celebratednour 1 year anniversary for being together and we wouldve both been celebrating our 1 year clean from self harm but that didnt happen because a week after we were released i she started cutting again and then so did i. and well now we are here. I looked over and Rachel, Allison and Rory were all in tears. {wow this chapter was long, like if you were surprised that Allison is his twin sister!!}

Auroras secret.... A Shaytards fanficWhere stories live. Discover now