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We got down stairs i took a deep breath and sat down, dead silence, i said so when are we leaving? Dad said, we thought we would go to Wingers or some thing first i said ok and mom asked me to grab Daxton off the floor i bent over and....

One of the razors fell out of my pocket on two the hard floor it mad i sound as i hit and everybody looked as quickly as possible i picked it up and put it in my pocket my dad walked over and put his hand out.

I reached in my pocket and picked up the razor i had recentlty used that had blood on it and sat it in his hand he looked at me and said all of them... i reached in to my pocket and picked up the other 6.

He said good lord Aurora?! How did we not notice you buying these, i said i have my ways, and he walked away and flushed them down the toilet. Well i knew id never get thise back...

We ate and got back in the car and i asked if we could go but Walmart so i couod get toothbrush tooth paste and stuff like that.

He said yes we stopped at walmart and i went in with Emmi and Avia, they had to make sure i didnt buy razor blades. We went down the hygeine isle and i picked up a pack of razors to shave my legs. And Avia said...

Auroras secret.... A Shaytards fanficWhere stories live. Discover now