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They finally pulled up, and my dad was expecting my friend to be a girl, the look on his face was priceless when he saw it was a boy, everybody got out and we all hugged and finally we got in the car my Dad didnt say a word about Ryan which surprised me.

When we got home he asked what his name was he said Ryan. And then he asked if Ryan could wait on the couch while the whole family talked Ryan agreed.

So we all went into his office and talked first thing everybody asked was who is he so i said, thats Ryan, my uh boyfriend.  My whole family freaked out, i explained him to them, and how he needs a foster home and my mom and dad are thinking about it.

I went to tell Ryan the good news, me and Ryan sat on thet couch and cuddled and my dad walked in and said hands off. so we obeyed him...

Auroras secret.... A Shaytards fanficWhere stories live. Discover now