Cherrybite- Miss forbidden 20

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Callum <8bite

Callum closed his eyes in despondance at Nate's words. Why hadn't he thought that through...was there a part of his brain that failed to compute the concept of a person wishing not only to be protected themselves, but to be able to protect someone else. And for a moment of acidic realisation, he knew that the whole endeavour had been even more of a fools errand than he realised.

First he had fallen into the trap of wanting to protect Nate for her sake rather than the sake of his own achievement, and now he knew that he could never possibly have won her trust because he had never had a genuine concern for her safety.

And that was why he hadn't seen this coming.

But it was too late now. Someone was at the door upstairs, Nate continued to struggle...and then Dawn, who appeared to have been frozen to the spot, made a dash for the trapdoor. Callum cried out in anger and exertion, as Nate's twisting detained preventing from easily making a grab for her sister. Dawn got away. From the sound of things upstairs whoever was at the door had cessated their efforts to get in, but if Dawn managed to get their attention then there would be serious problems.

Using the pole once again he twisted Nate away with a precise shove, sending her reeling onto the floor. Quickly he turned, and grabbed the ladder just as Dawn disappeared from view.


Portmand hugged his body tightly, trying to fight off the cold which was especially intrusive in the watery air. He was still trying to put out of his mind what sort of macabre discoveries awaited the police when the door was finally opened. Suddenly there was a frantic banging from the other side of the warehouse door, the old construction rattling noisily. Portman practically jumped out of his skin.

Turning around, he pointed his flashlight at the door. The reinforced glass allowed little of the light to pass through, but he saw a definite human form - a young woman - hitting the door with her fists, and heard her calling out. He ran up to the door and struck it with his open hand.

"Stay there," he said, "someone else is coming with a key, we'll have you out of there in..."

He stopped as the faintest outline of a second figure appeared behind the first, and extended an arm over the girl's shoulder holding a small object. Portman's blood ran cold as he realised what he was seeing, but barely had a chance to step back before there was a deafening crack, a splintering of glass, and a massive impact against the police officer's chest, like an accute blow from a fist. Portman fell back onto the ground...


Callum grabbed Dawn by the neck of her top and pulled her away from the door. Just like his badge, the Glock 19 which was now smoking in his hand was a fully authentic part of his police disguise. He hastily produced his key and opened the warehouse door, all the while training his gun on Dawn to make sure she didn't try to rush him or get past.

The officer was laying outside clutching his chest. Callum took a large stride and stoof over the injured man, whipping his arm around to point the gun down at his head. The office looked up, shaking and terrified, and as Callum was about to pull the trigger, he suddenly looked down the hill at the road below. There were headlights...coming this way. Shit.

Callum looked at the officer again, then pointed the gun away, knelt down and rummaged around on his body to locate his radio. Pulling the device from the man's uniform, he turned and threw it full force at the warehouse wall, causing it to smash beyond quick repair. Better to leave him alive. If there were more coming, it would take them longer to stabilise and evacuate a casualty than it would for them to bag up a body.

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