"I love you, Lauren Jauregui."

"I love you more, Camila Jauregui," I smiled as she cupped my face with her cold hands. As we kissed, the familiar sparks exploded.

"Don't ever stop calling me that," she mumbled against my lips."

"Trust me, I won't," I reassured her before flipping us over so I was on top.

~ 5 years Later ~

"I'm not doing it," I told management. "Not if she's gonna be there."

"Would you grow up?" Our new tour manager, Erik asked. "This could be the best thing that has ever happened to you."

"I'm not ripping my daughters away from their home. They deserve to have somewhat of a normal life."

"Then leave them with your parents," he suggested.

"Lauren-," Dinah tried to chime in but I cut her off.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" I asked, giving him my famous confused expression. "They are my kids. I am going to take care of my kids. I'm not going to fucking leave them here with my parents," I spat.

"You're the reason there is no more fifth harmony."

"Lauren-," the Polynesian tried again.

"Not now Dinah," I said, pissed from the comment that Erik guy made. It was mutual agreement between all the girls to end fifth harmony. We all already knew it wouldn't be something that would last more than a couple of years.

"Look, I know this news is big and surprising, but I don't expect you to come up with a decision right this instant-"

"I've already made up my mind, I'm not going," I told management.

"Lauren," Dinah said, trying to get my attention.

"What the fuck do you want Dinah?" I snapped.

She pointed over to the little girl standing in the doorway. I turned my attention towards the chocolate eyed toddler.

"Mama," an angel-like voice said.

"What's wrong, Kayne?" I asked with fear in my voice.

Instead of being reply, her cough filled the room. It didn't sound as bad as it usually does but the same tears rolled down her face when the coughing started to calm down. "Shh," I soothed. "You're okay baby," I promised her. I walked over to her and lifted her light-weight body onto my hip. "Mama has you."

"Mama, it hurts," she replied.

"Did Aunt Ally give you your medicine?" I asked the chocolate eyes toddler. She shook her head no and I sighed in frustration. I walked out of the office, stepping on a pink Barbie hair brush.

"Ashtyn Michelle," I snapped. "What did I tell you about leaving your toys on the ground?" I asked the other toddler.

"That wasn't me!" She defended.

"Kayne was the one playing with the barbies."

"Pick it up," I told her sternly.

"Why do I get in trouble for Kayne's mess?" She asked.

"Kayne isn't feeling well. Now please listen to mama and pick up the toys."

"I want mommy!" She demanded, falling to the ground and causing a scene.

"Ashtyn," I started, but stop when Ally placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Don't," the shorter girl responded. She took Kayne out of my hands and placed her down on the chair. She slipped the dinosaur oxygen mask over the toddler's face and clicked the machine on. "So did you come up with a decision?" she asked, changing the subject.

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