I love you

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Short   //wroetobehz//  but on my mind. Have this :) stg I'm almost finished the other one, I'm v happy W it so far :))

TW: fear of relationship issues (?) (lemme know if I need to add more)

Word count: 614


Tears stream down Ethan's face, he wipes them away hastily. His shaking hand makes a motion through the air as he tries to make sense of his own brain out loud.
"I don't know why I feel this way, I just do," he explains tearily, voice hoarse with emotion.

"Then explain it to me! Try and make sense of it! I want to listen to you, please Ethan," Harry's voice breaks, tears brim his eyes, he makes no move to wipe them as they fall rapidly.

Ethan looks down, deep hot shame filling his chest.
"I can't," he says quietly, his throat feels tight.

"Why?" Harry asks, he sounds desperate now, like he's not trying to hide any of the emotions he's feeling right now, all of his cards are on the table.

"Because I-" Ethan chokes on his own words, blinking up at Harry who stands behind the couch. With another blink he looks back to the floor, deciding it's far less painful than the sight in front of him.

"I can't believe that you actually love me."

It's as if time itself stopped existing.

While Ethan expects a response of 'of course I love you!' Or 'how could you not believe me?'
He doesn't expect the response he gets.

"Ethan," Harry's voice sounds heartbroken, the gut wrenching feeling it gives the other boy in his stomach forces him to look up into Harry's eyes.

Harry walks closer, not averting his gaze on his boyfriend for a minute.

"Loving you is the only thing I'm sure about in my life."

The words pierce Ethan's soul.

"It all comes back to loving you," he takes the boys hands in his own and urges the other to face him.
"I love you Ethan."
Their gaze connects and for the first time Ethan can see it.

Sure, he's felt it. Light touches and kind words but as he looks into Harry's eyes he finally sees it.

He spent so long avoiding his boyfriends stare, afraid of what he might find. Abandonment, betrayal maybe, however looking into Harry's eyes now he begins to wonder why he hadn't sooner. Every worry, every doubt he's had in their relationship feels as though they've disappeared.
Because as he looks into Harry's eyes he sees it. The indisputable sight of love.
It's like a fuze has been set off in his body. All he can do is nod, continuing to drink in the sight before him.
Harry can see when he gets it, he sees when his boyfriend finally believes him. The funny thing is he can't even bring himself to be frustrated at how long it's taken, he knows if he had to try and prove it everyday for the rest of his life he would because he fucking loves Ethan.
And while Ethan wasn't expecting Harry's previous statement Harry sure as hell wasn't expecting Ethan's next words.

"I love you too," the words are a whisper.

A whisper but feel like they've been projected from a speaker into Harry's ears. He wants to bottle the words up and store them in the forefront of his mind so he always has them.

He knows he loves Ethan, he's certain he does, but now he's certain that Ethan loves him. And Harry can't begin to explain how incredible that feels.



hi, idk thought it was cute.

tysm for all the love on my last post!! <333

have a great day <3

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