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a/n: took mild inspo from the prompt above, enjoy :)

Word count: 1165

Harry had felt unwell all day, he chalked it up to exhaustion having not slept through the night this past week. But now waking up at three am purely because there's a deep ache in his bones and he's so cold it hurts, this feels a little different to the other times.
He shakes violently in bed, moving his arms desperately trying to warm himself up.

'Well this is shite'
He thinks to himself.
'What do you do when you're sick?'
Is the next thought that comes to his mind, without much more thought he reaches for his phone, wincing at the cool air piercing his skin in the process.

He quickly clicks on his mum's contact, forgetting the unreasonable time. That being said she picks up on the second ring.
"Harry?" Her voice is tired, clearly having just been woken up.
"Mum? I-I think m'sick but I dunno what to do or anything, everything hurts it feels weird," he slurs, his mumbling being heightened from being ill.
Harry can practically see her sitting upright in her bed as she clears her throat,
"Right, so what symptoms did you say you have love?" Her tone is soft.
"Everything hurts mum, m'so cold as well," he trembles.
"Alright love, that's okay. Is Callum there?" She asks sweetly.
He shakes his head but quickly remembers she can't see him, confirming verbally that his flat mate is currently at his girlfriends place.
"Okay," she pauses to think.
"Do you have any medicine in the apartment? Like paracetamol or anything?" She asks.
"I dunno, it's been a while since either of us have been sick."
She pauses again, going through the options.

"Oh, let me give Ethan a call," his mum knew Ethan would hang the stars for Harry if he could.
"What if he's sleeping?" Harry questions worriedly.
"I was sleeping love but you don't see me upset, trust me he won't mind. I'm also not leaving you like this so I'm going to give him a quick call and call you straight back alright?"
He hums in agreement and closes his eyes.

Meanwhile his mum is dialing the red-heads number.
"Mrs Lewis? Is everything alright?" Ethan sounds tired as well, groggy even.
"Hi sweetheart, I'm all good here but I've just had a call from Harry and he's ill. Sounds like the flu, achey and a fever by the sounds of it. I need someone to bring him some medicine and help him out a little," her worried tone doesn't go unnoticed by Ethan.
"Yeah, yeah of course I think I've got some here," he says getting out of bed to find the medication and whatever else he'd need.

"Is there anything else I can do when I'm there?" He asks.
"Yes if you could wet a rag with cold water and put one on his neck and forehead his temperature will come down a lot faster, also have you got a thermometer?" The concern's still there but she's evidently relieved to have someone taking care of her son.
"I can do that and yeah I've got one here that I'll bring, thanks for letting me know Mrs Lewis, lord knows he wouldn't have told me himself," he jokes, earning a laugh from the stressed woman.
"That's why I called you, I was afraid he'd overthink it and chicken out. Thank you Ethan, really. If you need anything let me know yeah? I'm gonna give him a shout back so he's not alone."
"That's all good, no worries at all," he smiles at her kind words.

Harry's still shivering when his mum calls back.
"He said he'd be there real soon love, and I've told him what to do to make sure your temp gets brought down quickly." Her words are comforting to Harry.
She stays on the line with him as they wait for Ethan to come, whispering comfort and parts of her days that he would find interesting, anything she could think of really.
Finally the familiar sound of a key turning in the door gets his attention.
Voice horse he whispers into the phone, "he's here now mum, thanks for everything again," he says genuinely.
"Anytime love, never hesitate to call me alright?" She says.
They exchange love yous and goodbyes when Ethan comes into his bedroom.

Ethan awes in concern at the sight of him, Harry's in front of him curled up in his blankets.
"Oh bog," he rushes to the mans side.
"M'so cold Eth, so cold," he mumbles, nuzzling into the other mans side.
Ethan presses a kiss to his warm forehead and brushes some hair out of his face.

"Right, first things first, medication," Ethan pulls the meds out of the bag, handing two pills to the boy who swallows them with the water next to his bedside.
Next, Ethan pulls out a thermometer, instructing Harry to open his mouth so he could put it under his tongue.
Harry gently whines at the uncomfortable feeling, head lulling forehead to rest against Ethans arm. The other man just uses his free one to rub his back gently.
"I know love, I know," he whispers, waiting for the beep of the thermometer.
When it does come, Ethan wishes it hasn't.
"Hm," slight distress and seriousness leaks into his tone causing Harry to look up at him questioningly.
"What is it?" He asks.
"38°C" the older mumbles. "But not to worry, I've got it sorted, lie back there baby I'll be back in a minute," he says before getting up and going into the bathroom. Coming back a few seconds later with two cold rags in his hand.

Harry groans at the sight.
"Jesus, you really did talk to my mother," he allows a smirk to grace his features.
"Best trick in the book this is," Ethan smiles back.
Sitting down next to him in the bed he lays one on the back of his neck, giving him the other to hold to his forehead.

Harry groans at the uncomfortable feeling, Ethan wraps an arm around his shoulders.
"I promise you we'll have you back to better in no time," he continues to whisper reassurances to the boy all night, whilst regularly checking his temperature and changing out the wet face cloths every half an hour.



hi, I love this ship. also had to include a sickfic, it's a classic.
i wrote this when I was ill like 6 months ago, 38° fever gang wua??
hope you enjoyed :D don't forget to request if you want or let me know what you think of these oneshots so far :)

go drink some water, have a great day <3

also plz let me know if i should add trigger warnings to any of my stuff so far, I'll add them where I think they're needed but if I forget don't be afraid to lmk!<33

~sidemen oneshots~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ