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High school AU

TW// mentions of parents fighting/divorce causing distress to character.

a/n at end of chapter!

Word count: 1530


Everyone in the group had their thing. And while a lot of them fell into the same category Harry's always stood out.
He was the resident sensitive one.
This may come as a surprise to many who only saw the boy as a firecracker but he really valued feelings and emotions.
He himself being quite open about them, mainly as a result of holding them in for years until his friends noticed and reassured him it was okay to feel things.

Being the sensitive one meant the others hated hurting his feelings. They all joked around and made jabs at each others expense. But all of them felt terrible if they ever pushed the joke too far, considering the youngest never did. He was good at keeping the peace as well, unknowingly of course. The others knew he took things to heart and didn't like hurting other peoples feelings, he didn't like his friends feelings getting hurt either.

Sometimes harry doesn't even know how he ends up in these situations. Right now, for instance, he was just catching up with some chemistry homework at the lunch table when some bickering started. He rolled his eyes to himself, not looking up. Instead opting for focusing harder on the book.
He was exhausted.
His parents wouldn't let up the arguing last night so he stayed in his younger siblings shared room, distracting them from the fighting downstairs and staying incase either of them woke up, worried.
Cut to now chipping away at this work.
He was enjoying the calm lunch they were having, everyone was fine, it was practically the weekend. Why did they have to start something now.

Sometimes he wishes they ate lunch inside the schools cafeteria with the rest of their classmates. Just so everyone would lower their voices a bit, particularly when arguing. But no. They decided their lunch spot would be at the back of a field under a tree with a picnic bench. Harry loved this spot.
When everyone would chill the fuck out that is.

The arguing only gets worse and he can't take it anymore, snapping his head up from his book to look at whoever it was fighting.
It catches a few others attention, making whoever was encouraging the argument to be quiet.

"What's this about?" He says, he never really had to raise his voice to get attention. The two heads snap towards him, Josh and Ethan.
They both shut their mouths and look at the boy, suddenly Josh looks guilty.

"Josh was being a prick," Ethan says, still a little heated.
Harry takes a subtle deep breath, "what did he do behz?" He says softly and the remaining anger left in Ethan leaves.
"He said i was stupid at maths when he literally got a lower score than me on our last test," the petulance at which the sentence was delivered make a few at the table laugh.

Harry looks at Josh with a knowing look, "Josh." Is all he needs to say.

The boy in question sighs and turns to Ethan sitting across from him.
"Yeah, I was being a prick. Sorry Ethan," he says to the other boy who nods back, satisfied with the apology.
"Eth, you're not stupid at maths, neither of you are you're both in the second highest streamed class. Now both of you eat your lunch and chill out," he says matter-of-factly.
JJ laughs at Josh and Ethan being told off as does Simon and Tobi, Vik being too engaged in studying for physics to pass a comment.

The table goes back into a friendly chatter and Harry finds himself stuck on a question. He groans quietly in frustration.
He nudges Vik next to him, "sorry mate, what did you get for number 5 on the chemistry homework?" Vik looks up from his own book, confused.
"Wait, you didn't do the homework? You didn't do the homework?" He repeats himself, Harry rolls his eyes, "yes Vik now can you please tell me what you got for number five," he pleads.
The other boy nods pulling it from his bag.

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