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High school AU

Platonic, platonic affection.

TW: implied bullying

Word count: 1532

Based on that one section from 'Art show':
'and oh they did, they know that he can be thriving with them telling them all some weird fact about Cuban lions when all of a sudden he's hit with a wave of anxiety and stops talking for the rest of the day.'


It was a Tuesday, the awkward beginning stages of the week to come. Not Monday but not quite Thursday right? That was the general consensus from the group anyways.
It had been a normal day all things considered, the group were hanging on by the edge to get to lunch and have an hours break.

They all huddled around the tree, listening to Tobi rant about his latest score on his maths test,
"I swear I thought I was getting above a 50 this time, I seriously don't know where I'm going wrong," he sighs, aggressively shoving some papers in his bag out of frustration.

"I think our class covered that didn't we haz? I haven't got the notes still I gave mine to Freezy but Harry might have his," Vik says with an encouraging nod towards Harry.
"Of course mate I've got them right here, hold on a sec," the boy in question rummages through his bag for a moment before pulling out the papers and passing them to the stressed boy.
"You're a lifesaver bog," Tobi says greatfully.
"No worries mate," Harry grins.

"Hey did you lot know that even though Cuba has some of the most fierce lions they still consider jellyfish as more of a life threatening animal? That being said it's almost all land, like those have to be some serious jellyfish-" his sentence cuts off abruptly when his gaze meets another.
He pales slightly and curls into himself.
The few people who were listening wait for him to continue while the rest pick up on the strange abrupt ending to his fact. By the time the concerned eyes of his friends were on him his eyes were fixated on his hands.

JJ, from his spot leant against Simon, is the one to call him out on his shit because of course he is, kicking the base of Harrys foot with his own. The contact forces the youngest to look up at him, doe eyes filled with obvious anxiety.
"Hey, you alright?" JJ's tone is soft, how it only is when speaking to him.
The younger boy nods as he casts his eyes back downwards.

Ever since Harry opened up about his struggle with anxiety the others have put small plans in place for when something like this happens. It's become unspoken practice at this point.
Ethan, being the closest next to him, scoots closer and swings an arm around the boys shoulders. Everyone goes about their business, mumbling to each other to fill the silence, knowing Harry finds comfort in the normality. Harry melts into the touch. Ethan presses a kiss to the top of his head, continuing to run a hand through his hair.

They had planned to go back to JJ and Simon's apartment after school that day.
The two had begun renting it together in the  middle of last year when neither could take the pressure that came with living with their families. They miraculously were set up with enough funds and a promise to their parents that they would keep up with their grades in school in order to get their rent paid, but the first sight of a fail would have them back at their family homes.
They went back there most days unless people were too busy with other activities or family life.

Geography was last class for Harry and Vik. Though instead of the usual banter they'd have walking out Vik was holding a few of Harry's things and leading the emotional boy to Simon's car. They were the first there thankfully, allowing Harry to take a few more deep breaths.

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