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Took inspo from that one part in my 'Annie' fic:
-"Is that why you didn't really speak when you came to the school?" Josh asks. Harry mulls it over for a second, "yeah," he nods.-

It's basically the same plot except now Simon had a crush on Harry lmao

⚠️Tw: mentions of homophobia, anxious character, miscommunication

Brief description: Simon wants to know if harrys into boys, there's a miscommunication that gets sorted out.  hurt & fluff!

Word count: 2801


"New kid doesn't speak," is the first words said by Ethan at the lunch table this fine Tuesday afternoon.
"What?" JJ asks, munching on some crisps and giving the other a tired yet confused glance.
Josh nods after taking a bite of his sandwich, "it's true," he says while chewing.

Tobi grimaces, "gross man," to which Josh just nudges his shoulder in retaliation.

"How come?" Vik brings the original subject matter back.
"I dunno, he just doesn't," Ethan shrugs.
"Weird," Simon hums.

"Hey, none of that please. It's like 3 months into the school year yeah? He's probably just nervous," Tobi rationalises, being one of the only sensible people in the group.
Vik nods, agreeing with the other boy, "definitely, being new sucks," he speaks from experience of when he moved here two years ago. The rest of the group seem to mull it over, some nod, agreeing with the sentiment.

"Oh shit, there he is," Ethan perks up, the tired energy of the table turns into one of interest.
"Should we ask him to sit with us?" Josh asks, the same time as JJ says,
"He's cute."

The whole table turns to look at him. He only moves to look at them when he feels their glares burning into his head. Looking up from his almost empty packet of crisps, he shoves the last few in his mouth not bothering to close it before spitting out, "what? Am I wrong?" In exasperation.

"I'd shag him," Simon shrugs.
"Okay what the fu-" Tobi cuts off Ethan's rant before the mysterious boy leaves earshot.
"Hey! Oi! You! Yeah you!" He calls, maybe not the best approach considering they just concluded that the boy is probably anxious about being new.

Harry looks around, making sure it was him being beckoned and walks over to them, clutching a notepad and chemistry book in his hands.

"Hey, I'm Tobi," Tobi smiles and reaches out his hand to which the other boy shakes in return, smiling softly.
"Harry," he says quietly.
"Lovely to meet you," Tobi grins then looks to the rest of his seemingly thoughtless friend group. He clears his throat, "you lot," he warns.
"Ethan," Ethan waves to the boy, Harry waves back.
"Here, sit," he moves over allowing him room to sit.
The others introduce themselves, going around the table, the only hesitation being with Simon when he surprises even himself when saying, "I'm Simon, you're pretty," it makes a blush appear on Harry's cheeks and Simon swears from that point on he'll never stop trying to make that happen.

"Again with this shit fam-" Vik cuts off Ethan's confused tirade once more, "Vik, lovely to meet you," Harry nods, a soft smile adorning his features.
Last but certainly not least was JJ, who looked as though he had a slight guard up, cautious of the new person at their table.

"JJ or Jide, whatever you want to call me," he pauses and the table wait for his next move.
"Simon's right, you're pretty. Do you have any friends?" He asks bluntly, causing Tobi to look at him with pure shock, "what's wrong with you?! Asking the new kid if he's got friends on the first day-" JJ cuts off his ramblings, "it's just a question!" His hands go up in defence.

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