Lets stay like this

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TW: panic attack, hyperventilating

Hurt & comfort

Word count: 698


Harry shoots up, his whole body tingling with adrenaline. He pants for a second, clutching a hand to his chest and grabbing tightly to the fabric of his pyjama top. He continues to hyperventilate, shallow breaths leaving him at a rapid pace. He switches hands in order to to try and grab for the person asleep next to him. His hand clutches the duvet a few times before finding his arm and clutching it tightly.
"Josh," he wheezes out.

The older man feels the grip on his arm, waking with a start. His eyes open stiffly, feeling glued together from the deep sleep he was in only moments ago. With the hand that doesnt have a vice like grip on it he manages to push himself up. Becoming completely alert when he hears his boyfriends breathing.

He springs up, gently but quickly detaching the boys clutch from his arm to run around to his side of the bed. He pulls the youngers legs so they're hanging off the side of the bed, feet firmly on the ground. He murmurs encouragement the whole time.
Harry's breaths don't let up, the only difference now being the strangled whining sounds that accompanies them. Josh can feel his heart break a little more with each sound.
He reaches up to grab Harry's hands that have found their way into his hair, pulling on it tightly. Explaining what he was doing the whole time Josh gently takes the boys hands, bringing them down to hang next to his legs. He guides Harry's back down to put his head between his knees before holding onto both hands again.
"You're alright my love, you're alright," he whispers comfortingly to the boy.
His thumbs rub soft patterns into his hands.
"Try slowing your breath for me love, okay?" He asks, a tenderness about his voice.
Harry looks as though he wants to nod to agree, growing frustrated with himself quickly when he fails to do so. Josh sees the tears squeezing from the boys eyes.

"Harry? Love, focus on me, watch my chest" He guides once more, inhaling and exhaling deeply and slowly for the other to follow. Harry manages to this time round. Josh keeps up his encouragement trying to get the boy focused on his breathing.

Once his breathing is finally regulated everything stills for a moment. His grip on Josh's hands tighten, Josh study's his features for a minute.
"Haz-" Harry swings his arms around the other, crying into his neck. Harsh sobs rack his body.
Josh rubs his back gently, cooing sweet nothings into his ear. Every so often he'll remind the other to take a deep breath.

From their position on the floor, Josh stands, Harry wraps his legs around the others waist. Josh sways them from side to side.

Josh holds the boy close, everything is silent for a few seconds, a sense of calm falling over the scene.
Harry sniffles, "m'sorry josh," he says in a quiet, insecure voice.
Josh's eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"Why are you sorry love?" He asks, rubbing the boys back once again.
He feels Harry give a gentle shrug. "Woke you up."
"No my love, you're alright. I'd much rather be up with you right now than to be asleep and have you going through this alone," he explains to the younger. Instead of a response Harry just cuddles further into the other mans neck, nuzzling it slightly.

Josh sits them down on the edge of the bed, Harry still firmly sitting in his lap.
"Anything trigger it angel?" He questions softly.
Harry nods his head, "bad dream, don't want to talk about it right now," he mumbles.
"That's alright love, we can just stay like this."



needed some hurt with lots of comfort lol.
how're we doing?
the love I've been getting recently has been amazing so tysm! <33

also my requests are open! i might take a little while for them to be done depending on the request but definitely open to hearing them!
as always, lmk if i need to add any TWs

have a great day <3

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