Chapter forty-eight~Hollis

Start from the beginning

Luke nodded, looking at the road, "Yeah, only a few more weeks." 

"Time really flies." I commented.

"Are you scared?" Luke asked.

"For what?" 

"You know, giving birth." He clarified.

"Honestly, not really. I'll probably be scared in the moment but everything in the pregnancy is leading towards a healthy birth so I dunno." I admitted.

"So yes but no." I said, again, "If that makes sense."

He nodded, "Dude I'd be terrified. Like absolutely scared shitless." 

I think he realized that statement might've scared me so he spoke again, "No, I worded that wrong. What I'm trying to say is that you're really brave. I definitely couldn't do it and am so proud to get to call you mine."

I grinned, "Why are you being so sweet and sappy today?"

He shrugged, "You're my pregnant fiancee. Isn't that what I'm supposed to be doing?" 

I gave a small laugh, "You're not supposed to admit that's what your doing."

"Noted." He said, eyes still on the road, "Have you decided on any bridesmaids yet?"

I looked over in his direction. The sun was hitting him just perfectly, to the point where he was slightly glowing. He had on his usual burnt orange sweatshirt, we sort of shared that one. I'd steal it then put it in the wash, then he'd steal it back and do the same. It was kind of our little routine.

"I thought we weren't gonna talk about any wedding details on this trip " I said, leaning my head back on the headrest and closing my eyes.

"We're not there yet, might as well get some small wedding details done." He pointed out.

"Well, I have more guy friends than girls so I'm leaning towards just my sisters and Mona." I threw out.

That was the most realistic thing that was probably gonna happen. I didn't want people I wasn't too close with to be in the wedding. Like Sydney, we only talked on occasion every few months. Maybe we'd meet up once or twice a year.

She'd moved away to Texas, with her new military boyfriend last year. Funny how we'd got those friendship tattoos expecting for it all to last forever. The ink on our skin would last forever but the friendship was another story.

"What about you? Figure out the groomsmen yet?" I asked, though I knew the guys he'd pick.

There was a small chance he'd choose his brother, Ambrose. They weren't that close but they were still brothers. Honestly, though, who knew.

And he would definitely ask his college bestfriend, Dean. They'd been best friends since freshman year and always made an effort to hang out at least once a month. Though, it was sort of hard with us being so busy lately.

He probably would pick a few other friends, maybe some baseball buddies. Other than that, he had a small circle. He'd started out as super popular but over the years, all the fake and not 100% in friends, just filtered out. 

"I think I'm gonna let Ambrose be a groomsman, definitely along with Dean. I was also meaning to ask you if you'd be fine with me letting Owen and Beck be in the wedding, too." He said, cooly.

He said it so casually but I was taken aback. Him and Beck had been friends years before Luke knew me,  at least that's what they claimed. Not close friends but friends. And of course, they had gotten close over the last five years.

As for Owen, I was really really surprised. They had hated each other up until two years ago. But like Beck, Luke and Owen had gotten close over the years.

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