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Knowing they had the power to command made them as close as they would ever get to a god or king, it also made them feel that way for some time.

"We will always be fragile beings, no matter how much power stays with us. Sometimes we are frail in mind, and sometimes in body; but most of us are both." She paused. "You can stop all the Anchor Men. Right now," said the Water Spirit Mileena. "But know that the power you now possess comes from a magick that stands against everything we believe. It does not work with nature, its elements and life, but against it. It does not influence and work with magick the way your Spell-caster ways do now and know of. It takes what it wants... and it may not happen now. Or maybe not in a few years—but mark my words—there will be consequences from doing this."

"Once upon a time... I was a guardian of the stone," said the captain. "Nearly as far back as the beginning of Astora itself. Only wounds can kill me, not time."

Ematay turned to the children, as if captain Mileena just proved a point in the words she spoke. He raised his eyebrows to make sure the children recognised one word: "Fragile," he said to them. Them now very sick of hearing this in its different forms, expressing the same message over and over. The Star-caster then aimed his head at Mileena. "How would I do what you speak of?"

"You have temporarily absorbed the old magick. It flows inside the veins of you three. Each one of you can command the Anchor Men to go back to their fields; as if they never moved, and were under such a powerful spell all this time which was never broken. You need to simply say the words to any Anchor Man you see. Easy as that."

"Good, because you are all coming with me as I do it," replied the darker-skinned one of the lot, Ematay.

They went through the Silver Cathedral, which took them over an hour working their fastest.

One after one, and sometimes in divided groups, even though some Anchor Men were unconscious or even dead and the four not knowing, they made them go back to the Shade Sea.

They spoke the words and would still raise from their slumber, as if they were never dead or unconscious. Heeding to this old magick, working its power over the pale prisoners.

Masses at a time dropped from the flying structure.

They encountered the Edeolon warriors on this journey round, and everything seemed to go smoothly. At least as smoothly as could be expected.

The sound of many feet was a strange sense from those who only recognised few in their wake for some time.

But it was these many steps that led them to the Ready Room once again. This time with all of them side by side.

As soon as all six, including Selphira and Oddius, entered this room, everyone could see the platforms were empty, taking a better observation without hurry this time; except the War Swans they brought themselves.

"Time for me to go little ones," said Ematay, looking at them. He looked at the leader of the Water Spirits, as if she knew what to do after this Star-caster's signal.

She took off as quick as that. Jumping into the Shade Sea as soon as the sky door opened for the three Swans to take those travelling to Swansie.

Silver Cathedral Saga: Observer Chronicles, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now