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It was very early in the morning. The sun started to come up; normally Eleanor's body would never even know or pay attention to this.

She woke imminently and felt the heat, only that wasn't all she felt that day. She also felt herself growing stronger again because of this heat and light sinking into her from the centre star.

Eleanor looked at her skin quickly, scared and shocked, and saw that it glowed with a brief flash in a fiery yellow with a tinge of orange; like the colour which surrounded the Master who helped with the initiation yesterday. A colour of fire, also at different angles, of the sun.

Though it soon disappeared she could still feel the heat and light on her skin peeping through the two windows directed to her bed. It continued to, little by little, make her feel stronger, in a way she had never felt before. Even stronger than what she felt after the initiation, which wore off all too quickly when she left the training room.

It was still much too early to get up. Everybody would be asleep, or they should have been.

Only she heard noises from the stairs echo through the hall and creak up to under her door. Someone was moving.

Her door swung open, violently.

"Eleanor," shouted the servant she saw the last two days. "You have an early start. Get yourself moving."

The female youngling from Hiva Aura didn't think it was necessary to shout, or to break the door whilst waking up the child. Which was all pointless as she was already awake to begin with.

Eleanor soon enough got dressed into her uniform and went straight to the training room, even before breakfast. She rubbed her eyes on the way up the grand staircases, then yawned. Her lungs now felt a little more alive and awake, but not her eyes.

She quickly got to the training room.

The Fire-caster Master was there. He must have been waiting a little while, because he was slouched in a comfortable position against the wall.

"Ah, there you are. Apologies for the abrupt ending yesterday, but without any energy to take in from the sun there would be nothing to teach, at least not practically. And now that there is plenty of light this should be a breeze. Well I hope so."

"I too want to apologise. For my little paddy as I left yesterday. I was so worked up about learning in the world of magick that I forgot all my manners."

"That's quite alright. I know what's happened to you both. I'll let it slide this time. But don't expect me to be so lenient again."

"Thank you," replied Eleanor, seeing her and the man were the only two in the room.

The Master clapped his hands together, signalling to get ready.

"I am going to teach you two things today."

Eleanor looked even more eager to get started. "What must I do," she asked, looking out the stained glass windows that let a lot of light in somehow, more than normal from what was seen.

"The first thing you will do—is absorb fire. But there is something you need to know before we go any further. You only need the sun's light to fuel you to generate fire. As long as it's out you could last forever generating either fire, heat or light. But when the sun is down fire drains your absorbed power the fastest. The power of radiating heat and light is about equal. Immense amounts of heat usually take up more power than blinding light. But you can also absorb light and heat, though with absorbing the latter two you can only make what you absorb. Not fire. Unless you actually absorb fire itself. Which takes us to this first part. I will teach you how to absorb fire so you can redirect its energy whenever the sun can not help you."

Silver Cathedral Saga: Observer Chronicles, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now