A History Told. A History Seen

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As Eleanor walked on she daydreamed too of something that seemed to have lingered inside and felt necessary to worry about people, but there was still little that could be done about it on her own.

She remembered this especially because this was the last thing she could remember of her father. Him talking to her, telling her of their world when it was all very new to her young eyes. He spoke of Amaranth, and the truth behind their degrading system they passed on to Astora, their homeworld. Though she didn't understand much of it then, she understood it all now. Maybe too well.

"It is still caught in its medieval ways, not just with weapons and such, but with brutality. There is a very unfair democracy; and it has always taken place since anyone could remember on Amaranth. The council members on this planet were always wealthy bureaucrats that cared only about their own wealth and profit; that was all. All of them came from a business life and background. An industry of farming, tailoring, stable keeping, Inns, blacksmiths, protectors and guards, amongst others. The ones that always had a sky-high profit from the many thousands of people in the one and only city. Everything our own world is against.

Amaranth is also the world where Spell-casters originated from, and from them they passed on the knowledge to the other two worlds.

But Adalas refused to use their magick; sticking with their own corrupt-less system few know about to this day. Although it has been speculated it is a power that was given as a gift before any were alive.

The most well-known people on Amaranth—their Edeolon warriors, are the only power to arise from their system that gives our united Starao nation hope for progress and betterment.

The Edeolon Warriors will always be the strongest of all warriors; being the first six born into every millennium, there was so little of them to go around, which makes them all the more important to protect.

But with these extraordinary beings, a talent emerges when they hit the double digits: Ten. This gives them the greatest ability of all: And with it, it is said to be able to exceed any other living being in the universe.

However, that is still yet to be proven so.

Our own world may be medieval by its weapons, and even its magick in some aspects, but it is about more than a system that exists on self-gain. Even the Star-Catchers can see that: The five moons that surround this amazing world." She remembers he looked up to two of the moons above in the sky then.

"Astora's democracy is fair by nature; we rebelled from Amaranth with our rulers, thank the gods. We have had many rulers and people who cared about one another. Not just how much they can fit into their pockets. This world is a combination of the Edeolon religion and the demi-god 'Starao', which was the most loved god, regardless of her being half of one.

Adalas is a much more secretive planet than Amaranth and Astora. There were even rumours they were not entirely human, but no known person knew if this was true or not.

Their lands have a futuristic feel. With technology none of the other two worlds could figure out.

Their planet was mostly filled with white, tall buildings over the surface. Where three hundred statues that were one hundred foot tall looked exactly the same and were spread around their land. It was told to people that their palace was hidden, like our Silver Cathedral's. The very thing people remember Adalas for, was their magickal blacksmith abilities.

Indestructible swords, shields that reflect projectiles back to the fired target, and magick bows with no need of a single arrow; these are only a few of what they can craft. Although they craft the weapons to help those in need only; as Adalasians are the peacekeepers of our Starao three worlds. Where the king of kings lives: The king that rules over all three worlds."

The child then fell into another direction with her daydreaming, much like Christian did. Without the memory of her father attached. Though this was very much connected to what she was told by her father, to a degree.

She was on a field with a mass of people from all three worlds on Astora with her mother. She was near Christian even at this time, and him with his sister and mother also. The entire hordes were quiet, waiting to hear from someone who stood in front of the sight of the crowds still amassing even now. Everyone stood in a thick, large, circle, focussing on this man.

"Once a year there is this competition between Amaranth, Adalas and Astora," said the man all eyes were waiting for. He spoke so concisely and proper and loud, though it felt forced and caused his voice to crack. "The victorious is given nothing, other than the satisfaction of their pride. The loser is given just as little, except the bitter feelings of jealousy, resentment and shame that comes along with losing."

Eleanor knew the game was created to keep the worlds sharp at battle for the times they would have no other choice but to do so. So when the time did come, their skills were still as strong and sharp as they were hundreds of years ago, which is when this competition began.

Yet that all changed last year.

The king of kings, who held this competition and had just spoken, began to see the fierce competitive spirit in too many and it began to come through with his words. Unlike all others, the king of kings could see the sense of things other people could not. He knew what would happen if the angered Astorians lost to another game against Amaranth this time.

It seemed the king of kings could see things that may be so, yet it was never clear if he truly could. Maybe the wise could see many more paths of truth than those who have lived so little in comparison, though Eleanor to herself, tilting her head in the now to see some sense in what she thought.

The king of kings continued in her daydream:

"My Starao people, you seem to have forgotten the point in this game. It was to keep your minds on the goal: To survive against the true enemies. Out there. I will not stand by and let your humanity destroy what has taken too long to be built between our three planets. I will not let the Starao worlds go back to war, nor allow this game to fuel it to do so. So, from this day forth, there will be no games, no competition. Only training. Training with our own people, from our own worlds. I have sat in the darkness in the past more than anyone should have to: Letting greed kill too many, and make the few rich—whilst the rest suffer. It has happened too often in the past, and I will not let it repeat itself. I will not let competition eat every single one of us up—not again. Not this time. Not this day!"

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