An Ending Night

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Eleanor, Miyah and Christian ran through the White Meadow scared that a Shadow would jump them also. It seemed that wherever they were the shadowlike beings followed, almost making them feel as if they were partly to blame for the man who had just been killed.

"We can't stop until we get to Sunndira," said Eleanor, almost tripping over.

"I wasn't planning to," replied Christian pulling his sister along because her shorter legs couldn't carry her as fast. He eventually started to breathe deep and loud from their speed.

Several deep furrows seemed to block out faint, blue light, almost as if it was trying to crawl to them, as they moved to it.

There was no trees in sight, other than existing so far behind that they could not see them now. All that was around was this White Meadow they stood in.

It was another fifteen minutes or so before they all saw Sunndira city in the distance. It was on the biggest hill they had ever seen.

A single, bright light lit up the entire city like a beacon. It stood atop a very tall white tower in the centre poking out. Like all of Astora's cities, the light was blue at night.

The three children started to run to the second from last White Meadow hill; the meadow running on until the city itself.

They all heard noises from somewhere but were unsure of what they were; Eleanor and Christian couldn't afford to stop and think at this time. The boy's sister just followed their actions.

The sun was finally waking from its bed. Rays of light started to bathe the darkness, making it feel and seem like the land was being cleansed. If only it was, thought Christian.

Eleanor ran up to the top of the second from last hill; she begun walking on 'hill path', and when she finally got to the top she saw something she did not want happening before the other two.

"Dammit," she shouted, kneeling, banging the soil and white plant life with both fists clenched.

"It's hopeless," said Christian, finally reaching the peak with Miyah. "We could never make it to the door with a full on battle raging right in front of us and the entrance."

They were all some way away from the fight, but could see fire flying around in the fading night. Hearing the deep screams of men and woman who had just ran past them on the horses. Blue magick shields were up, used to protect the door to the city afar.

Spell-casters were fighting—for their lives, their world. And it was now that all three children could see the brutality of war, again, not just hear about it.

The knights that were alive looked as if they were flinging the Shadows around without any effort, yet that didn't stop the great numbers of their enemy from increasing and flooding them. Most of the horses were killed quicker than anything else.

The children lay down on the ground quickly so they could not be seen. They couldn't help but look. "They're holding the line. Trying to protect the city," said Christian. "At least they have Star-casters. Without them, this would be over in seconds, and not in a good way."

"They're outnumbered. The Shadows have way too many for those knights left by the looks of it," said Eleanor. Her eyes closed in fear, not knowing what to do.

The only sister there tensed up. Again. She remained even more quiet than usual.

Silver Cathedral Saga: Observer Chronicles, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now