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This time, both Hiva Aura children were in the training room.

Eleanor was on the right side, Christian on the left.

Each one was doing something different, of course.

"Now that you know how to repel someone's touch, you have a strong foundation to start for a single offensive ability," said the Xenne Master. "But today we are not doing much of a practical lesson. Words are your aim today. To be able to recall them when it matters.

"This lesson will focus on weapon combat. When you have a weapon—your power can be enhanced by it. Like for example, take the quarterstaff." The Master chucked a quarterstaff at him as he said the last sentence; he was hiding it behind him all this time by standing it up behind his body. It appeared the tallness of the man hid it well.

"Though a lot of our primary abilities you see us use focus on kinetic force, we are still Masters of mind magick. Anything that can give us the upper hand is useful. If you haven't experienced it already, then there will be a passive ability that will come in most handy to you soon enough."

"I can't say that I've experienced what you are talking about. At least I don't think so," said Christian.

"Oh, trust me. You wouldn't have just said 'I don't think so' if you knew what it was." The boy's mentor chuckled a little, which made Christian all the more curious about what he was really going on about.

"Anyway, Battle-casters absorb kinetic energy. Much like your friend absorbs the light and heat from the sun. This is another thing you must remember, because it is an important part of you now and you must be made aware that although you absorb physical force, dampening it, your resistance to blows will still have an impact and hurt at the same time; though not as much as any other Spell-caster. Like Fire-casters."

"Okay," replied Christian, quite fascinated. He looked over to his friend's side, seeing her trying to generate something around herself, which then popped around her like it was always there, in reality; it formed a cagelike mesh of fire around Eleanor that resembled more of a prison than anything else from the outside. It glowed fiercely, making it hard for him to focus right now on his own task.

"Christian, you must listen. What I am about to tell you could save a person's life someday, or maybe even more than one."

"Sorry," he said, before looking to the floor and staring back up at his Master to carry on.

"I'm going to hit your staff now. However, I want you to let me, and make sure you don't move either." The man hit the quarterstaff and it resulted in being flung across the floor effortlessly. "It is important for you to understand that kinetic energy can be stored for roughly up to three days. Then it will steadily decline. As with all Spell-caster energy being redirected."

Christian heard the mentor on Eleanor's side congratulate her on her efforts before his own continued. "You must know that our magickal power is a two-way system. It is granted to those who believe in the god they follow. So—the more you believe—the stronger your magick."

"Ah, I see," replied the boy. His magickal foot in the door seemed to crank it open, understanding a bit more about this new tangled life he began to lead with his friend. He looked back to Eleanor, slyly, making sure his own Master didn't notice.

Christian started to feel restless. All the talk and learning of words might be important, but there was no physical learning at the minute, which made him a little sour; because he could see his friend had already outdone him here and now.

"Okay, Christian. You know the defensive ability, and the basics of how it all works now. Now remember, the stronger your belief, the stronger the magick. Before we move on I want you to try the defensive ability again.

"But you are really far away from it, even farther than yesterday," replied the Master.

"I know. I am curious. You can do it. Just do it like you did yesterday, only believe..." he stopped his sentence short, as he figured his new student would know what he was going to say now off by heart.

So, he done as he was taught, believed, imagined all that was asked of him, and then felt something press upon him quickly this time without any warning. As he opened his eyes he saw his Master hurled across the room to the other side near Eleanor, an easy twenty feet. As the disciple of Xenne flew through the air, with his cloak fluttering around him, Eleanor noticed the man and stepped to the side quickly. She responded thereafter with an impressed expression upon her face.

"Well, I never," said the Xenne follower getting up. "Never in all my life have I seen such power in a mere two days of learning. I knew it. I really did. You are one of those very rare people who are at their best in the field, reacting naturally to others actions without warning."

Eleanor looked at the man who just interrupted her and her Master talking. She moved her head to look at her friend again on the other side of the room until a single word came out of her mouth, if you could call it that: "Huh," she blurted, not believing what she just saw.

Christian looked acrossthe room before holding his hands together, miming the words 'thank you' to hisgoddess who just gave him the power to do exactly what he needed.

Silver Cathedral Saga: Observer Chronicles, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now