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They all looked out to the Anchor Fields filled with people; in all sizes and at all ages. The sea was gradually being taken over with air bubbles. Coming from these so-called prisoners, their mouths.

"The Apostle Stone must be being affected somehow," said captain Mileena.

"If this continues then they could all awaken. There is no doubt about it—there would be a civil war," said another female Water Spirit. "Although I think I would be pretty angry myself in their situation."

"Nobody's escaping on my sundial. I don't care what's happening. I guess I better go to the surface and tell the King of this news. The last thing they need is an uprising coming to them in the middle of an already raging war. We can't afford to lose to those kinds of numbers." She continued to look out to the fields with the floating Astorians trying to drift to the surface of the sea; the anchors stopping them—indefinitely, and with ease. "I will leave as soon as we get to the Ruby Cage beneath the sea."

The Water Spirits all swam like they did to get here. It was so fast that only those with the sharpest of eyes would have been able to see their movement. Their bodies looked like a darker shade of sea, leaving a little trail behind, moving as a flag would in the wind, though this always disappeared after several moments.

They all got to their boat by jumping out of the water radically, as if it pushed them up and forward into the air, lending them a hand like a happy family would. The sprinkled droplets splashed over their wooden transport, drenching and darkening the solid wood it was built out of.

"Who is coming with me?" asked captain Mileena.

"I'll assist you once more," said one of those who went with her to the Anchor Fields. She was short, or at least shorter than most of the other pirates upon their ship.

"Good," said the female leader. "Steer the way to the Ruby Cage, and let me know when we are near. I will be resting for a while in my quarters."

All their figures were that of normal people now, of humanoid Astorians. With what looked visible and solid, not that of salty water and murky lines, like when they were in the ocean.

Mileena retired to her own space. Since she was her own captain she had the biggest room.

Though this ship was so deep, it resembled more of a mobile house than anything else. Which is exactly what it was to these women.

Much of the room beneath was taken up by food, supplies and tools they used to help assist in keeping the Anchor Men merely alive undersea.

Before Mileena moved to open her door and saw that the light had been completely drowned out now. There was no sun out above shining on the land, nor an odd ray beneath where they lived. It can become a little task in itself to know for certain whether it would be night or day; even with a magick sundial, because that only works with the sun and its rays; magick can only assist so much in all areas of life.

She saw her bed at the back of the room. Darkness. Though her eyes lit up as soon as they met the blackness with a radiant blue.

The captain looked at the floor. Her bed teased her, knowing that she wanted what all other life got after a long day, if they were lucky enough. But her being was not made like others. She didn't feel the need to sleep because of a curse put on her people by a now-dead king that once lived in the Silver Cathedral. None of the Water Spirits did. Though they did still grow tired like any other; they would instead have to lay down and keep their eyes open and their mind alive. Never feeling completely rested. And that's exactly what Captain Mileena went ahead with doing, as that is all she could do after all.

Silver Cathedral Saga: Observer Chronicles, Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora