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In front of Khanna Mansion:

Three cars stop in front of Khanna's mansion. From one car Abhi, Ketan, and Hetal; From Second car Neela and From the last car Avni & Ashish. They stand before their cars. Avni runs to Abhi and hugs him.

AVNI: Bhai. (with a smile)

ABHI: How r u cutie?

AVNI: I'm fine Bhai.

Elders smile at their children. They were about to go inside.

ASHISH: Guys, actually Prakash doesn't know that Neela is coming.


NEELA: I want to surprise him.

KETAN: OK. (With an evil smile.)

Inside Khanna's Mansion:

Bebe is calmly sitting on the sofa. Swetha is running around the house with the hustle-bustle. Prakash is eagerly waiting for his friends to come. Neil is getting ready in his room. They heard the bell, Prakash like a kid running towards the door. Bebe chuckles. Prakash opens the door.

PRAKASH: Come in (While hugging Ashish and Ketan a time)

He didn't see Neela as she is hiding behind Hetal. She still hides behind Hetal and said.

Neela: Someone doesn't remember me.

By this time Swetha and Bebe also arrived. Bebe is confused about who is talking. (Note: Only Bebe knows who is Neela. Swetha doesn't know Neela because before her marriage, Neela got married and shifted to London.) Neela slowly come front 

NEELA: Ta-da.

Avni smiles at her childish behavior. Avni and Abhi are holding hands. Abhi also smiled.

BEBE & PRAKASH: NEELA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Prakash run towards Neela and hugged her. Swetha is confusingly looking at them.

PRAKASH: Neela, How are you? (breaks the hug)

NEELA: I'm super fine. How are you? 

PRAKASH: I'm fine.

BEBE: Hello madam, I'm still here. Can't u see me?

Neela runs towards Bebe and hugs her.

NEELA: How are you Bebe?

BEBE: I'm fine, Neela. How are you?

NEELA: Fine, Bebe.

Bebe sees Swetha's confusing looks. 

BEBE: Swetha, She is Neela. Prakash's childhood best friend. They grow up together. After Marriage, she left for London.

SWETHA: OK. I'm Swetha.

NEELA: Hi, I'm Neela. But honestly, Prakash your wife is beautiful. (Swetha smiles)

BEBE: Ha Beauty without Brain.

SWETHA: Bebe (with an angry pout).

Bebe smiles and They all get inside. They take their seats on the sofa.

BEBE: (While pointing towards Avni) Avni?

ASHISH: Ha Bebe.

BEBE: I saw you When you are 9 years old. How are you?

AVNI: I'm Fine. (thinking)

BEBE: Bebe.

AVNI: (Smiles) Bebe.

PRAKASH: My princess became big too fast.

AVNI: (smiles)

SWETHA: Avni looks really beautiful.

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