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Next day

At the cafe, Avni is waiting for Neil. He came and sit in front of her seat.

AVNI: Any information about Ali?


AVNI: What should we do now?

NEIL: Avni, he is not a kid. He will come back once he decided to.

AVNI: OK(She is not ok)

NEIL: Avni I always there for you. If you want a shoulder to cry then remember me.

AVNI: I know thanks for that.

NEIL: Again.

AVNI:(While touching her ears) I won't repeat.

NEIL: OK. You said you want to tell me something.

AVNI: Yes. Actually, my dad is marrying again.

NEIL: (With concern) Are you ok?

AVNI: Ofcourse Neil. She is very understanding and lovely. You know what she and my mom are best friends.

NEIL: Wow.


They completed the food they ordered and spend some time together and leave to their respective houses. After Avni gets back to the house, she thinks about Neil's words while placing herself on a comfortable mattress.


Neil and Avni walk towards parking. Avni about to get in her car.

NEIL: Avni.

AVNI: Ha, Neil.

NEIL: Avni, Ali needs some time. He doesn't wanna hurt you. So, we have to respect his decision. I know you want to be with him in his last days. I understand your pain. I understand Ali too. He doesn't want you to be in pain because of him. Just respect his decision. A hopeful, happy, and beautiful future is waiting for you. So take these beautiful memories of Ali with you and move on. I think you understand what I'm saying to you.


Avni sleeps there itself while thinking about Neil's words. Somewhere she is convinced with his words. 


After two weeks, Avni take Neil's words seriously and started moving on but somewhere she is thinking about Ali i.e, what is he doing? where is he? Is he safe? Neil also stops searching for Ali. Not because he doesn't want to but want Ali to be happy. Ashish is fine now he continued to go to the office. Neela also continued her work. Ashish wants to marry Neela. Today he wants to ask Avni about it.

In dining table:

Ashish and Avni are doing Breakfast.

ASHISH: Princess.

AVNI: Ha papa.

ASHISH: Actually, Neela and I want to get married as soon as possible. If you have a problem we will wait.

AVNI(In mind: It will be the best idea. I'm surrounded by people then I won't think about Ali) Of course papa. I don't have any problem. You call Pandit Ji. I will call Neela maa.

She takes her phone happily and dialed Neela's number. Ashish also very happy, he called Pandit Ji.


AVNI: Good Morning Neela ma.

NEELA: Good Morning Baccha.

AVNI: Neela ma. It's an emergency. Come to Mehta's mansion. Hurry up 

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