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The day Avni wanna say sorry to Neil for her rude behavior.

AVNI: where is Ali?

NEIL: (IN MIND: I can't tell her that he is tired because of chemotherapy.) He is busy. He went to the resort early.

AVNI: He seems quite busy these days.

NEIL: YEAH(Thank god. She is convinced.)


Before Neil going to the temple.

NEIL: Hey Ali! When did u come? I didn't see u.

ALI: Just now(very low voice)

NEIL: Tired?

ALI: Kinda. Because of this therapy. I'm very tired. 

NEIL: I will prepare dinner.

ALI: U looks like ur going somewhere. Don't worry about me. I'm not hungry.

NEIL: (IN MIND: He looks so tired I can't ask him to join us. I will say something to AVNI)

NEIL: I have some work, I will be back early. Take care bye.



NEIL: U look so horrible in this saree. (with a teasing smile)

AVNI: What?

NEIL: haha.... sorry ... U look so beautiful.

AVNI: Thank u. By the way, where is Ali?

NEIL:(in mind: What should I tell her)

AVNI: Busy?

NEIL: ha. ha. Busy. (Thank god. She covered it herself.)

AVNI: That's fine.


ALI and AVNI are on Avni's balcony. Ali takes Avni's hand in his hand. 

ALI: Before telling you the answer, I wanna tell u something big. The reason why I walk away yesterday. (takes a deep breath) I'm a cancer patient. I'm not busy with my work. I'm not with my mom. I'm in the hospital. I'm taking chemotherapy. This is the reason why I walk away, yesterday.

AVNI:(Avni listening to everything silently and tears are flowing from her eyes continuously) I have a lot of contacts, I will talk to my dad. (while saying these lines she stands up to pick her phone).

ALI: Avni, listen(push her back to her chair)

AVNI: No Ali, it can be cured. I read a lot of articles. I will save you whatever it takes.

ALI: Avni, I have left few days. I talk to the doctor he said I don't have much time.

AVNI: Ali, u don't understand.

ALI: Avni, don't behave like a child. Try to understand.

AVNI: Don't go plz(starts crying)

Immediately Ali hug her 

ALI: Avni, I don't have any other way.

AVNI: Don't leave me plzzz........(Breaks the hug)

ALI: I'm not leaving u Avni. I will always stay here. (pointing towards her heart) If u miss me just keep ur hand here(pointing towards the heart) and tell me whatever u wanna say. I will listen to u.

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