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ALI and I are jogging, watching the floor, and talking to him. Suddenly he stops in his way. I lift my head. He is watching someone in front of him. I turn my head where he is seeing. A small smile came on my face. So she is the friend he is talking about. ALI said "HI, AVNI".  oh... Her name is AVNI. Nice name. She didn't reply to ALI. She is looking at me with a weird expression. Ali said, "Hello madam, What are you thinking? I'm calling u for 5mins". Without my knowledge, I started smiling. Now it's revenge time. Buhahahahaha.

pov ends

AVNI: ha Ali.

ALI: Are u ok?

AVNI: YEAH. I'm fine.

ALI: He is my buddy Neil and she is my friend Avni.

NEIL: OF COURSE. I know her. (smirks)

AVNI:(OH...No . what should I do?)

ALI:(confused) Do u know her?


ALI: huh?

AVNI: S-Sorry. I-I don't k-know u. D-Did we met before? (started trembling voice)

NEIL: Arey. Ur so-called "her and friend"(double quoting with his fingers)

ALI: Oh.. ha

AVNI: (sighs) Oh. (What he mean by "her and friend"? whatever Thank god. he at least didn't tell that.)

Suddenly Ali's phone starts ringing. he excuses himself to lift the call.

AVNI: Why u didn't tell him that we know each other.

NEIL:(IN MIND: because I don't know what's happening to me, once I get clarity then I will surprise him) That's what I'm thinking why I lied to him. That to my best buddy, Ali. (Says in a dramatic way)

AVNI: (gives him an unbelievable look)

NEIL:(IN MIND: Don't look at me like that yaar... I don't know what's happening to me.)

ALI: Sorry guys, I have some work. I have to go. u guys look very friendly. why don't you guys hang out sometime? I will leave then. bye.

NEIL: OK bye dude?

AVNI: (JOGGING)Friendly... my foot.

NEIL: SO what's up? AVNI.


NEIL: So u are his new friend...

AVNI:(IN MIND: don't reply to him.)

NEIL: ohooo... new problem... deaf.

AVNI IN MIND: Don't reply to him. he will leave after talking for a while

NEIL: Wrong. I'm not leaving u until u talk to me

AVNI:(STOPS JOGGING AND TAKE DEEP BREATHE)What's your problem? Why are u irritating me?

NEIL:(comes dangerously near her and looks deep into her eyes) You're thinking your showing ur anger through these eyes but I can see the sadness inside it. Why are you hiding it? If u want to talk, I'm a good listener. (step back)

AVNI: My dad sends you. Don't he? so, want to know what I decide? Ok then tell him that I need some time. Ahhhh..........

NEIL: Why should I? you tell him. I really don't know what you're talking about but I can understand there is a problem between you. The solution for a problem is not about distancing from it or running away or being silent. The solution is to face it and handling it. I don't know what happened between u two but small talk can help u to sort things. keep ur ego aside and talk to him.

AVNI: (Somehow she convinced with Neil words) umm...

NEIL: Ok then bye...

AVNI is staring at him while going. he turns back and gives her a warm smile. She smiles back.

NEIL: (SHOUTS WHILE GOING) Smile more often. you look so cute.

AVNI: (gives a bright smile)



I finally reached my home. I tried to open the door but it's locked. oh...Nanno maybe went to buy groceries. I searched under the pot beside me and I found the key. I went inside and place my phone on the table and went to my room. After fresh up. I head back to the living room and sit on the couch. My eyes landed on my phone. Take my phone in my hands and think for a while. Should I call him? No. It's a bad idea, he might be busy. I will call him at night.

pov ends



She is so cute. she should smile often. I don't conclude it as love. I should take time and understand my feeling clearly. Then I will tell Ali about it. If I tell him now, he will say this to mom. If she gets to know that, then she will start asking about her family and all. I want it to be perfect and two-sided. 

pov ends


At night

AVNI: OK now I will call him.

on phone:


ASHISH: Avni how are u?

AVNI: YES Papa. Fine. How about you?

ASHISH: HA fine.

AVNI: Had your dinner?

ASHISH: yes. so, Did u dici-(avni cut him off)

AVNI: PAPA... I'm not interested in your company and business. I love to travel around the world. Please dad understand me. At Alteast gives me some time for my dream. After that, I will try to learn about business and try my best.

ASHISH: (remain silent for some time) So ur happiness lies in traveling?

AVNI: yes papa.

ASHISH: If your happy, then I'm happy.



AVNI: I love u papa. I love u so much.

ASHISH: When will return?

AVNI: I have some incomplete work here. so after that, I will come plz...


AVNI: Bye papa. Good Night.



AVNI (while rolling on her bed): I'm so happy. thank you, Neil. thank you so much. tomorrow I will say sorry to you. I have been very rude to you.

PRECAP: AVNI say sorry to NEIL & They went to the temple.




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