Scene 11 - Aftermath

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We open back at the flat of the Mickeal family. The man is shaken, worrying, and stressed. His hand is in his head as he sits on the sofa, deeply regretting the horrible events that took place with his now-deceased brother. We change to Cloudbase. Lieutenant Green sits tapping his desk as he thinks respectfully of the death of the Mysteron victims. Colonel White is at his desk feeling the same, as are the Angels in the Amber Room. In the Officer's Bay, the Spectrum Officers begin talking about the dreadful event on TV.

Captain Scarlet:

We must do something. The Mysterons stated they will strike at the same location again.

Captain Magenta:

It's the first-ever time they've declared that they will restrike at the same target. Usually, the Mysterons move onto a new person, or place, to attack.

Captain Scarlet:

Then we need to deploy ourselves in the area and set up our detectors so we can be prepared for any more Mysteron threats.

Captain Blue:

I'll expect that we won't hear anything about that anytime soon Paul, not until they at least clear up the mess earlier today.

Captain Ochre:

The whole world knows about the Mysterons now. Before they transmitted on frequencies unexpectedly, and after the world watching today, every man, woman, and child must know about the Mysterons now.

Captain Scarlet:

And sometimes we forget how formidable of an opponent they are. We might be feeling terrible, how do you think International Rescue are feeling?

We view Tracy Island's exterior, before watching the exterior of the Villa. Now we are inside, we see some members of the family around, including Jeff, Scott, Brains and Grandma. They are sat down.


Err, the b-bridge has now been entirely s-shut and will m-maintain closed at least u-until the b-bridge has been r-repaired. The f-fans are still b-being manned though.


Could the fans of yours Brains be of any use to the Mysterons in carrying out their targets?


Well, c-could be. Considering the power and force of those machines, anything was to go wrong with them, then they may be used to harm human life. But t-to be honest, they-re so e-eco-friendly, I f-fail to see what damage they could do. The worst that could happen is that they malfunction and b-blow up. B-but the men aboard will be notified if there is any errors o-occurring.


You know, I still can't help feeling sorry for those poor guys on that bridge. It was a young married couple with a baby.


Oh, how terrible.


We never wanted any part in the war of nerves with Earth and Mars, and now we seem to be entangled right in the centre of it.


And all we hear about now about our organization is that we have failed in a rescue operation.


That's it exactly son. But at least we're not to blame for it.

Jeff leaves to head to the balcony.


M-Mr. Tracy seems v-very upset. The m-most u-upset out of all of us.


That's right Brains. He's dedicated years into our organization. And we had never let anyone else down until today.


I think I'd better go and talk to him.

We see Jeff looking out at the sunset solemnly.

Are you alright, Jeff?


Hmm? Yes mother. I'm fine.


You still thinking about what happened earlier?


Well, yes. I am.


It wasn't our fault, Jeff. We had arrived in good time and were ready to save them in time. It was the Mysterons. They were the ones who killed the family.


I know, Grandma. But we were always there to save anyone whenever they needed help. People have been on the brink of death before, but we have always been able to save them in time.

Scott and the others listen in to their conversation, hoping they can try to make Jeff feel better.


Whatever happened today wasn't our fault. As they say, these Mysterons have powers we cannot hope to understand.


And dad, another thing. You always believed that we should never give up and never give in – at any costs.


That's right. Just because somebody who was supposed to rescue didn't make it today doesn't mean we should give up altogether. And at the same time, we're not going to give in to those who aim to stop us.


You're right, son. The code of International Rescue was not to give up or give in at any costs. And that is a promise we will all keep – forever.

There is a bleeping behind Jeff's desk.


Err, M-Mr. Tracy...


It's alright Brains. I've got this.

Back aboard Cloudbase, Lieutenant Green is receiving a call.

Lieutenant Green:

Message coming in from the World President, Colonel.

Colonel White:

S.I.G. Lieutenant. Put him through.

Lieutenant Green:

Yes sir.

The same white light on the Colonel's desk is flashing again. We once again see alternating shots of Jeff, the Colonel, and the World President in his office again.

World President:

International Rescue, Spectrum?


Mr. President.

Colonel White:

Mr. President.

World President:

Gentlemen, we need to act fast. We can't afford to lose any more lives or time. I'll come straight to the point; both of you forces must now come together in order to combat the latest Mysteron threat. They will strike again in the same area. Therefore, I want Thunderbirds 1 and 2 and International Rescue's England agent to rendezvous with Cloudbase at its present position immediately.


Very well, Mr. President.

Colonel White:

Spectrum Is Green, sir.

World President:

Seems like my theories about the unification of our forces was right, gentlemen. But by my last breath as the president of the world, we will never surrender to the Mysterons!


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