Scene 10 - The Danger Zone

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We are now watching stock footage of Thunderbird 1 heading to the left of the camera. Now, we are watching Scott inside as he begins to contact base.


International Rescue from Thunderbird 1, estimated time of arrival to the danger zone, five minutes.


F.A.B. Scott.


Thunderbird 2, what is your ETA to the danger zone?

After viewing stock footage of Thunderbird 2, we see Virgil and Alan inside.


Scott, we're now about ten minutes behind you.



We will now be cutting footage from Thunderbird 1 to the Control Unit of the same fan we saw earlier.

Thunderbird 1 to rescue area.


Thunderbird 1 to rescue area, loud and clear!


My ETA to the danger zone will be in a few short minutes from now. I have some more buddies with me arriving shortly carrying rescue equipment. What is the status of the bridge?


Hanging by a thread, International Rescue. Those poor people in there are lucky they haven't collapsed with the bridge yet.


I see, rescue area. Now, I want to make it certain that the surrounding area is clear, and during the process of the rescue that no photos, recording, or video footage are to be made of any kind. I will be able to tell if you have with our detectors. Our crafts can be blacked out on your recordings, and video footage of any of our crafts can easily be wiped.


I will consider that request a top priority, International Rescue.

Now we view the trapped car again. The bridge still remains highly unbalanced, with much wreckage collapsing and toppling into the ocean. The baby is making nervous sounds.


Honey, I don't know how much longer we can last out like this.


Don't worry. Help is on the way. I'm sure of it... I was right. Look, a Thunderbird!

Thunderbird 1 has extended its wings. This can be supplied from stock footage.


It is International Rescue! We're saved!

We see Thunderbird 1 come down from the sky to the ground with its legs retracted. The jets blast as Thunderbird 1 gracefully lands on the ground beside the toll sections. We see the presenter beginning to talk on the television again. The angle of the camera is facing away from the danger zone and faces back the other way from towards the highway. Brains stands behind him.


Wow! What a wonderful sight here today, ladies and gentlemen. The first International Rescue craft has now landed by the highway, but due to the security implications surrounding the famous International Rescue, it means that we cannot show you footage with regards to their ships, personnel, and gadgets.

Brains has snuck away towards Thunderbird 1. He looks to his watch on his left hand and begins contacting Scott. We see shots of Brains and shots of Scott in Thunderbird 1.

Thunderbirds/Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons: The Evil Of The MysteronsWhere stories live. Discover now