"So I'm going to be the asshole who brings up the elephant in the room since I'm great at being the asshole," Tray says tapping his finger against his empty shot glass. "Why do we hate this Adam guy? I gather something went down between Adam and Aubree so I get why he hates him," he says pointing at Ryder. "But you I don't understand why," he continues by pointing at Lucan.

"Not my story to tell," Lucan explains. He nods in my direction. "Aubree has to make the decision to share or not."

All eyes fall on me and Ryder wraps a reassuring arm around me.  Everyone wants to hear my story, but no one wants me to feel pressured to share. My family has a right to know Adam's and my past since they are about to be on tour with him. Not to mention Steel Wolf is going to be sharing a bus with him. 

"Adam's band was the first band I worked with. Since they were already pretty established and seeking a new manager Mr. Gear thought we would make a good match. I was doomed from the start. All the guys cared about who was going to get into my pants first, but I didn't know all of this till later." 

I falter in my words and the walls start to close in on me. Frantically I press at Ryder for him to move so I could get away from the table. I practically climb over top of him when he doesn't move fast enough. Mason watches me with understanding, but no one makes a move to smother me for which I'm grateful. I end up standing next to the table and once I don't feel so constricted I continue my story.

"Eventually Adam and I start dating. He made be believe all was well and I would have continues to believe the lie if I had not over heard him having a conversation with his band mates. He was telling them to pay up that he had won the bet."

Tray slams his fist on the table startling me and drinks directly from the bottle till nothing was left. He goes to throw the empty bottle against the wall, but my glare causes him to pause giving Mason enough time to snatch the bottle from him. Mason hands the bottle to Lucan who tosses it into the garbage.

"Aubree I'm so sorry," Dimitri interjects. "Not only because you went through all the bullshit, but also because you had to watch all of us do the same thing to your assistants." Skylar pinches him in the arm glaring at him. 

"In our defense," Tray jumps in trying to save Dimitri, though I'm sure he's shared his past with Skylar. "We were always up front with them. At least I think we were." He mutters the last part more to himself, but we all hear him clearly.

Skylar aims her scary teacher glair on Tray. "Still doesn't make what you did okay. Granted what he did was worse, but you weren't far off from what he did." All of the guys hang their head in shame. I never thought of their actions in the new light Skylar was shinning on them. I've always seen them as my guys and they did stupid shit. But Skylar's right. 

"Moving forward Aubree we promise to treat your assistants with the up most respect," Mason says with a smile proud of himself for his statement. Did he really just day those words? Dimitri's head swivels so fact in Mason's direction I worry get might have given himself whiplash.

"Tray would you please hit him upside his head," Dimitri asks in bewilderment. 

"Love to good buddy," Tray responds while hitting Mason on the back of the head. Skylar covers a laugh behind her hand.

Mason's head jolts forward. "What they fuck was that for," he demands glaring at Tray and Dimitri. Ryder can no longer hold back his laugher. I rest my hand on his shoulder hoping he will regain control of himself. No such luck.

Lucan shakes his head and says. "Seriously Mason." Mason stares at Lucan as thought he has three heads. "Who is Aubree's assistant?"

Mason drums his fingers on the table and says, "Skylar," in a duh tone as though Lucan was the special one. Then the light bulb goes off above his head and he turns bright red.

"Now your catching on," Lucan says laughing.

"Correct Skylar is," Dimitri stresses and silently sends Tray a messages to which Tray punches Mason in the arm. Then Tray and Dimitri fist bump. "So you better fucking treat her with respect."

"And for the love of God if you value your dick being attached to your body you won't try to sleep with her." Lucan lectures. Mason slumps in his seat.

"Aubree you may want to grab another bottle," Ryder tells me with merriment in his eyes. He has a good point.

I grab the second bottle and proceed to pour another shot. "This is my last one or I will be drunk," Skylar says waving her hands.

We all take our shots, but I leave the bottle on the table. Ten to one after I share the last piece of the puzzle on Adam's and my relationship they are going to need another one. For a split second I consider taking a swig before I begin.

My stomach cringes and my legs start to wobble. There is more to my story, but I'm not sure if I should share the next part. Ryder must not have put two and two together yet because if he had I'm sure he would be sitting in jail right now for murder. Instead of sitting at my table laughing. Ryder going after Adam is not at all what I want to happen. Maybe everyone would be better off if I don't share with them how Adam basically forced me to sleep with him.

For once I'm glad Ryder's memory isn't always the greatest. I hate holding this truth from everyone, but what would be the point. What's done is done and them knowing won't change what happened. Instead this would only make a bad situation worse.

So I say nothing, but I catch Lucan's perceptive gaze and without words he informs me he recognizes there is more to my story I'm not sharing. Thankfully he is never one to press especially when others are around, but he may try when he get me alone. Another person I can't be alone with. 

"What the game plan for dealing with Adam," Tray inquires. All eyes fall to Lucan. I maybe the one who sets everything up and runs the band like a well oiled machine, but Lucan is the one we all look up to. 

He runs his fingers through his hair. "For now we will try to deal best we can. By the phone call he made he has Mr. Gear in his back pocket. So we keep our noses clean and don't start anything." He eyes Ryder when he says his last statement then adds. "Better yet I recommend Ryder stays on Aubree's bus permanently. Having you and Adam on the same bus will only cause problems."

"I'm good with the idea as long as Aubree is on board," Ryder says rubbing my back. I nod my head in agreement. The less time Ryder spends in Adam's company the better off we all are.

"One issue averted," Lucan sighs rubbing at his head. "If Tray, Mason or myself need a break we can either stay on Aubree's or Dimitri bus." Dimitri crosses his arms and pouts.

Skylar pats Dimitri's cheek. "I get it the whole reason we got our own bus was so we could have privacy, but your brothers need your help."

"Fine," he states reminding me of a child. Skylar whispers something in his ear and a shit eating grin blooms on his lips. "Promise," he says to her.

"Promise," she agrees kissing him.

"Promise what," Mason asks.

"Nothing," they say at the same time sharing a look.

"Finally we will work on the new music on Dimitri's bus just like was had previously discussed." Lucan states.

"So basically our bus has turned into a place only to sleep," Mason points out.

"Sad but true," Tray agrees gripping Mason's shoulder. 

We fall into easy banter and even play some heated hands of Uno. But I can't seem to be able to let lose. Going into this tour I had believed dealing with Wicked Minion would be the only struggle. Never dreamed I would also have to deal with Adam.  


My Client the Rockstar (Book 2 Steel Wolf Collection)Where stories live. Discover now