Chapter 111: The Wedding: Pt. 3

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(Author/Red: Lol, rewatching these past three episodes while doing the chapters.

Lol, Goldar's reaction to all of it though!

But to see Zedd like this instead of how he is first introduced...

I didn't like it.

I'll explain why at the end of the chapter.

I'll see you all later!)

Lily's Point of View

Afte a while, there were more putties that showed up with the monsters once again and we started fighting once again, which is now getting more annoying than ever.

Tommy's Point of View

Once some of the putties were gone, I see the ugly bird come at me.

"Okay." I said as I was fighting it, while Rocky was dealing with the other monster.

"Hey, your beak's untied!" I jokingly said as I stepped on his claw.

"I can't believe he fell for that." I said chuckling a bit after seeing the monster fumble back a bit.

'I'll have to thank Lily later for that.' I thought happily as I scratched the back of my head.

Lily's Point of View

After fighting the putties and monsters, they seemed to disappear for now.

We regrouped to finally agree to get back to the exit, but we still have one problem. The two monsters are still at the door, are still there!

"Man, I thought we'd never get away from those monsters." I hear Aisha say as we made our way to the room we were in before.

"I was thinking the same. But let's be careful." I say after I passed through the door agreeing with her.

"Yeah, like Lily said, we'll let's just be careful. There could be more hiding anywhere." Tommy tells us after all of us got into the room again.

"What is blocking our powers?" Billy asks in curiosity.

"Who knows." I answered still feeling uneasy.

"I don't know, but I can hear those two monsters guarding the door." Aisha answers him.

"And without our powers, we can't get past them." Kimberly adds with the others nodding to that.

"We got to use our brain power, guys." Tommy tells, then another monster jump scared us.

It made me jump back towards Tommy with Tommy puts an arm in front of me.

Then it disappears for now at least...

"Whoa!" I hear some of the others say as we now looked at each other again quickly.

"That does it!" Adam says in a bit of anger.

"We got to escape." Kimberly says quickly as I see Tommy still have his arm in front of me.

"I second behind that!" I added agreeing with her.

"Guys, listen up. I think I've got an idea on how we can get out of here." Billy says to us as we were all listening to him.

-Time skip-

"Monsters?" I called out as I was walking through the room alone.

"Yoo-hoo! Monsters!" I called out again as I was walking through this room alone.

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