Chapter 125: Ninja Quest: Pt. 2

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Lily's Point of View

I started crying as I saw the megazords being destroyed as I fell to my knees.

'How could my mom and Scarlett be proud of who I am, when our zords got destroyed like this? How can anyone be?' I suddenly thought as I was crying, but I felt someone hugging me from behind.

"Come on flower, we have to go." I heard someone say to me, I slightly nodded while drying my tears away for now.

"O-okay-" I tried to say.

'I helped Zordon and Alpha with the zords in a way, now-' I thought as I got up now seeing the destruction up close.

"They're completely destroyed." I hear Kimberly say while I really hated seeing all of this destruction.

"This is unbelievable." I hear Rocky say as I kept looking around me.

"We got to get back to the Command Center." Maybe Alpha can figure out away to fix them." Kimberly adds as I shook my head to that.

"If only it was that simple." Billy tells her.

"Oh, man..." I hear Tommy say as I had my head down.

"It looks like we lost more than our zords, you guys." I suddenly said as I noticed that my bracelet was still glowing all of a sudden.

"Lily's right, but... We've lost our powers completely." Tommy adds to what I was saying.

'Not all of it.' I thought as I was still looking at my bracelet.

"It's going to be a long walk back to the Command Center." Billy stated as I had my attention back to the others.

"Let's get going." I said to the others as they agreed to that while we started walking.

-Time skip-

"Oh, man. What a mess." Billy says as the two of us were looking at the panels.

"Come on, Lily and Billy. Can you two please give us some good news?" Tommy asks the two of us. We looked at each other then sighed.

"Wish we could, but we're talking about the Command Center's power core.we don't even know where to begin on repairing it." I stated sadly really stressed.

"Ay-yi-yi! I don't know, you two. That could take centuries." Alpha informs us.

"Alpha, we don't have centuries." I hear Kimberly sadly say.

"What about our zords? Can you bring them back, Zordon?" Adam asks as I was unsure of this.

"I'm afraid not. Since the Command Center's power is nearly depleted, there is no way to revitalize your post zords." Zordon informs us.

"There must be something we could do." Aisha says sounding determined.

"I could ask my mom for back up if we need it." I suddenly said knowing that my mom could help us since I can contact her again.

"We could do that." Tommy says agreeing with me, and I could see that the others agreed except for Kimberly.

"But before we do that, where did our powers come from in the first place?" Adam asks Zordon as I looked at Zordon wanting to know as well.

"Legend has it that a lost temple that is hidden beneath the desert of despair. The keeper of the temple, Ninjor, he forged the original power coins to be used by those barreling the evil forces of the universe, but this may only be a myth." Zordon explains to us.

"And I can try to contact Miss Jade to back you up when you all need it. She can also respond to you Lily." Alpha adds as I smiled to that.

"It will be nice to see mom again, also." I said smiling a small bit.

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