Chapter 110: The Wedding Pt. 2

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Lily's Point of View

Lightning and thunder struck around this abandoned movie theater and I was actually scared. I was a bit frightened by thunderstorms when I was younger.

I will have to admit that whenever there was one at night when I was younger, Scarlett used to come over to my room to help me calm down as I slept.

To be completely honest, I really miss that right now. And now with all of these monsters around us... To add to that, we have no weapons to boot. Then this monster starts singing some disturbing song.

"Uh, you guys, what are we going to do?" I asked them as I looked around.

"Without our weapons, the only thing left to do is to split up and try and wear them down. You gotta go with the attack." Billy tells us.

"Right." We agreed.

"This time has come for the rangers' due." One monster sung.

"Alright guys, let's get em'!" Tommy shouts. We split up and started fighting the monsters.

These monsters were just too strong for us, I kicked and punched one a few times. Yet he got the best of me and threw mw onto the ground.

"Ugh! This is bad!' I say next to Adam where he threw me next to.

"Come on, we can do this!" Adam reassures me.

"Right." I say to him. I get back up and began to fight off another one. This monster trips me as I landed on the floor with a thud.

"Lily, are you alright?" Aisha asks me as she helps me up.

"Well, we're in trouble." I tell her as I got up with her help.

"Come on, let's keep on fighting." Aisha says as I nodded to that.

"Tommy, I don't think we can hold on much longer." I hear Rocky tell Tommy.

"We don't have much of a choice. We've just got to keep moving." Tommy tells him. I went back to fight even more monsters; I was getting really tired of this.

Aisha was on the balcony fighting off this monster on her own when he throws her down.

"Aisha!" Kimbelry shouts as Aisha lands on the floor with a thud. We all rushed over to her as quickly as we could.

"Are you hurt?" Tommy asks her as he helps her up.

"No." Aisha answers with more monsters showing up while I got back into fighting stance.

"Come on fellow monsters, let's strike all at once and finish them!" One shouts as I started to feel a bit weird.

"No, they have to be in one piece! They're Rita's wedding present to Zedd, remember?" One shouts.

"Hold the phone, what? Did he just say Rita?" I asked the others all of a sudden as I heard that name. We all looked at each other in confusion for a moment.

"I'm sure Lord Zedd won't mind if a few pieces are missing!" A different monster says.

"So, that's what this is all about. Rita and Zedd are getting married." Aisha says.

"It was bad enough having one evil lunatic on the moon." Tommy says.

"Yeah guys, none of this is going to make a difference if we don't get away from these monsters." Billy says.

"But how are we going to do that?" I asked.

"Hey, what about that hidden stairwell we found a while back?" Kimberly asks suddenly.

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