Chapter 44: Doomsday Pt. 1

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(Author/Red: This is what Lily wears in this chapter and next chapter

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(Author/Red: This is what Lily wears in this chapter and next chapter.)

(Author/Red: This is what Scarlett is wearing for this chapter and next chapter, while she has the wolf necklace on

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(Author/Red: This is what Scarlett is wearing for this chapter and next chapter, while she has the wolf necklace on.)

Scarlett's Point of View

I was walking down the halls with my friends and my boyfriend as Kimberly reads the newspaper out loud.

"And because of their contribution to justice and their unending efforts to protect the entire planet, Angel Grove city officials have declared today Power Ranger Day." Kimberly reads as I laugh with the others.

"That's so cool." I said.

"Hey you guys!" We hear Lily say excitedly.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I heard as I turn around to see Zack walking towards us as we were going up these flights of stairs with Lily now joining us as well.

"Hey, we were reading the newspaper about the power rangers." Trini says.

"Oh yeah?" Lily asks.

"What's it say?" Zack asks.

"Kim, go ahead and tell them." I said.

"Mayor Carrington hopes that the mysterious super heroes will make a public appearance in Angel Grove Park where countless fans will be gathered to celebrate them. I have a feeling the power rangers will show up, don't you?" Kimberly read as she closes the newspaper. I look at Jason and Lily.

"What do you think oh fearless leader?" I ask Jason.

"I wouldn't be surprised." Jason says as he high fives Zack.

"Ay yi captain." Lily says as we walk down the halls again.

"Hey Lily!"We heard as we all turned back around to see Maria making her way over to us with Karen.

"Hey guys." Lily says.

"The coach is putting up who made the team tomorrow." Maria says.

"Really?" She ask them.

The Two Rangers (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers OC Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora