Chapter 100: Rocky Just Wants to Have Fun

Start from the beginning

"Oh boy. She's here." I started to say, and Billy looked at me confused. I pointed to the entrance, and he turns his head.

"Oh, Lily dear, there you are." Mrs. Scott says to me as she makes her way to our table.

'Is she holding another thing for Scarlett?' I thought as she came over.

"Here is one more thing for your sister." She tells me as she hands it to me.

"Oh, thank you, Mrs. Scott." I said realizing that it is another thing for Scarlett.

She offered to help Scarlett with anything she needs this morning, and she did give my sister some stuff from around town.

"Oh, hello Billy." She says to him as she sees him sitting there.

"Hi there Mrs. Scott. How's Jason doing in Switzerland?" Billy asks her.

"He's doing very well. He sends his love to all of you guys, and he really misses you all. So, Scarlett will be coming over for dinner when she gets back right, Lily?" Mrs. Scott asks me as I wasn't sure is Scarlett would or not.

"I'll ask her ma'am." I answered her.

"Just call me Sarah my dear." Mrs. Scott tells me with a smile on her face.

'This is so weird!' I thought worried for my sister.

"Um... Okay?" I asked unsure and concerned.

"Don't forget to tell her to wear that dress I got her; she will look amazing in it." She tells me.

"I won't forget to tell her, um... Sarah." I said as she smiles brightly and then hugs me.

"Will you need a ride home today?" Mrs. Scott asks me as I shook my head politely.

"Um, that's okay... Billy, here... Can give me a ride or I can drive my truck. Right, Billy?" I asked him as he looks at me rather quickly.

"Would you like a ride to as well Billy? You can if you want." Mrs. Scott asked him.

"Sure, I'd love to. But only when the two come back." Billy answers.

"So, then we'll see you all when they get back, then?" Mrs. Scott asks me.

"We'll be there when they return." I said as she smiles at the two of us, then she leaves.

"You literally just threw me under the bus just now Lily." Billy tells me.

"I'm sorry. It's just that I don't want to go to Jason's house alone. It still hurts and I haven't been there since Jason or Scarlett has been here." I tell him.

"Understandable. I'll be there for your moral support." Billy reassures me.

"Thanks." I tell him.

"Now, I'm going to go home and see if I can drop the things off for Scarlett." I said as I grabbed the things from the table and then I said goodbye to Billy.

He was going to pick me up when Jason and Scarlett both get back which we agreed on. After organizing the stuff Mrs. Scott got Scarlett in her room, I went back to the Youth Center to see Billy at the table I left him at, and Rocky was still at the machine again.

"Is he still at it again?" I asked Billy as I walked over to him.

"Yeah, he won't leave the Pachinko machine." Billy answers.

"Maybe I can make him." I said as I was thinking of a prank that Scarlett taught me.

"How?" Billy asks me.

"Just watch." I tell him as I remembered the prank immediately. I walked over to Rocky who has having too much fun on the Pachinko machine.

"Hey Rocky?" I asked him.

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