21 - The Wedding

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"You sure this is how you wanna do this, bug? Most weddings take months, sometimes years to plan." Sam was pushing me in the wheelchair I was forced to use as I pointed at all the decor I wanted.

"I think we've waited long enough, Sam. It's time. Bucky will love the surprise."

"I think it's super romantic." Crystal smiled at us.

Sam glared at me. "Look, now you're giving her ideas! I gotta beat all this somehow."

I laughed. "Don't be dramatic. Wait a second, where did Tony run off to? We're supposed to be watching him!"

"I'll find him!" Crystal responded and ran off.

"One thing Bucky would not love, a Tony Stark wedding." I frowned and Sam laughed.


"Okay, they're back! Let's go people! Steve, you're on Buck duty. Get him cleaned up and don't. Ruin. It. I glared at him."

He nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

I rolled my eyes and then turned to Wanda and Natasha. "Wanda, Nat. The kids. You got them? You can tell them, they'll love it. Make sure Nathan knows not to lose the rings."

"Ahhhh, yes!" Wanda clapped her hands. "I'm so excited. Finally!" She kissed my cheek and her and Natasha walked towards the house.

I turned to Sam and Tony. "So, you know you're my man of honor," Sam nodded and smiled. "Tony, I would like to officially ask you to walk me down the isle. And by that I basically mean carry me, I can't walk too well yet but-"

Tony cut me off by wrapping his arms around me and squeezing. "It would mean the world to me, kid."

"I love you too but ow." I let out a groan.

"Shit, sorry."


"They're ready, bug. Are you?" Sam smiled at me and held his arm out. I locked mine in his.

"Did you see him? How confused is he?"

"He threatened to punch Steve if he didn't tell him what's going on."

I laughed at the idea of my soon to be husband knocking out his best man before our wedding. "Yeah, sounds about right. Let's do this."

I heard the song start and Sam kissed my hand and then walked out of the house, meeting Steve at the end of our isle and they walked side by side. It took everything in me to wait until it was my time. I just wanted to see the look on Bucky's face when he realized this was happening. Tony broke my thoughts.

"You ready for this, kid?" He smiled at me.

"Been ready." He wrapped an arm around my waist to keep me steady and we made our way out. When I could finally see them, Bucky was saying something to Steve. Steve suddenly looked away from him and I could read his lips. "Buck." Bucky turned and his eyes met mine. My heart felt like it was on fire as his face lit up. As we got closer I could see his eyes were watery and he turned to Sam and mouthed something. I couldn't quite make it out.

I approached him and he held his metal hand out and I took it. Tony turned to me and kissed me on the cheek before walking away and sitting down. Bucky pulled me closer to him and grabbed me for a kiss. Everyone laughed and I pulled away from him. "Not supposed to do that yet, babe."

"I don't care." He smiled and kissed me again before letting me take my spot.

Bruce smiled at the two of us. "So if you two are ready, we can start."

I nodded and looked at Bucky. "You ready?"

"Been ready."

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