12 - The Honesty

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I walked into my bedroom and pulled out a shirt and sweatpants for Loki. As I handed them to him, he took a deep breath before speaking.

"I told her I love her. I also told her I'm aware of the situation. I'm not going to try anything, I would never. I just thought I owed you the honesty." He grabbed the clothes from me and I nodded in return.

"Thank you for being straight forward. If we're being totally honest, I'll fight for my family. She wants you around and you should be. But I'm not going anywhere." Loki nodded and I pointed to the master bathroom. "I'm sure you can figure out the shower." And I walked out.

Y/N was in the living room waiting, she was doing something on her phone. I sat beside her on the couch but didn't speak. She put her phone down and smiled at me before snuggling against my side. I wrapped my arm around her.

"How are you doing?"

I smirked at the question. "I really should be asking you that."

"It's all surreal, I don't know if I've really accepted it yet. Or even really thought about what it means either."

"For us?"

"Us. Nathan. The fight were about to walk into..."

I nodded and pulled her tight. "He told me he loves you."

"He told me too."

I sighed. "I want to say I'm not worried, but I am." Y/N started to respond but I kept going. "We're not going to do this now. I just want to make sure you know where I stand, too. I love you, with my whole heart. I love our family. Nathan is my son, too. I've never once thought of him any differently. I would do anything for you. That includes fight for you. Him being back changes nothing for me. You don't have to say anything. I just need you to know."

"I love you, too James Buchanan Barnes."

"I know." I smile and she turned to look at me, with a smile on her face too. I leaned in and kissed her lips softly and then sat back.

"I look ridiculous." Loki spoke from behind us. I turned and sure enough, Loki in such casual clothes was definitely a new look. I couldn't help but smirk.

"Look normal to me."

Loki rolled his eyes and Y/N giggled.

"Are you two ready?" Loki crossed his arms and frowned.

We nodded and Bucky walked ahead of us, leading us outside. The compound was a decent walk, which we did in silence.

Sam and the kids were outside, he was wearing his Falcon suit. I rolled my eyes but I knew the kids loved it. They saw us and ran up to us. I hugged and kissed them both, Y/N did the same, then Nathan ran to Loki and hugged him as well. Y/N smiled at the two of them and I did my best to keep the straightest face that I could.

We were standing outside for a while before Steve walked out. "So it's true. Loki is back." We all turned to look and Steve was there, followed by Natasha and Tony.

"I'm going to assume this will be a long story." Natasha looked at us.

Loki took a step forward. "Yes, I'm ready to tell you all, if you will let me."

Steve stood with his arms crossed but nodded. "Tony, lead the way. The conference room should work for this. We'll be there soon."

"You guys go ahead. I'll stay with the kids. Sam should know too." I spoke, gesturing for Sam to follow them. Y/N walked up to me.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. We can discuss the plan when everyone's caught up." I leaned towards and kissed her.

She kissed me back and smiled. "Have fun, babe. We'll be back soon."

Steve and Sam both nodded to me before walking into the compound. I turned to the kids and asked who was the fastest of the two. They both screamed "I am" and ran away. I smiled watching them, knowing how much I love them, and how dangerous the next few days could be.

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