13 - The Debate

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"You guys go ahead. I'll stay with the kids. Sam should know too." Bucky spoke and I looked at him confused.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. We can discuss the plan when everyone's caught up." He kissed me. I smiled and kissed him back.

"Have fun, babe. We'll be back soon."

I followed Steve into the compound, with Loki to my right.

We all sat around the conference room table and Steve gestured for Loki to begin. He caught the team up, never once stopping for questions. Loki spoke with no emotions, all facts. The retelling of this story was very different from earlier in the day. I didn't miss the way his eyes were bloodshot after his shower, seems like he got all emotion out there. When he was finished, Steve spoke.

"You know where they are?" Loki nodded. "And you're sure they would come after you." Steve stated, Loki nodded again. "Okay, then we need a plan."

"The best bet would be to go to them. They won't be expecting that. But that means we'll have to leave soon." Tony turned to Steve.

"Thor knows?" Natasha turned to me.

I nodded. "Yes, he's assembling warriors in Asguard now."

"So then it's decided?" Bruce looked around. "We fight?"

I looked at Loki and grabbed his hand as I spoke. "We fight."

Loki smiled at me, and then looked around at the Avengers surrounding us. "Thank you." He spoke, barely a whisper.

"We'll need you to tell us every detail that you remember of where they kept you."

"I can do that. It was hard not to remember the conditions they kept prisoners in."

I turned to him again. "Were there many?" Loki sadly nodded and I looked to the ground. How many people were being tortured? How many people were missing their loved ones, thinking they were dead? My heart broke and I inhaled deeply trying to compose myself as the rest of the team discussed plans. I just stared at the ground and Natasha walked up to me and whispered.

"You know it's not your fault. Anyone would have thought he was dead, Thor saw the body."

Wanda spoke next. "This guilt you're feeling is irrational. No one blames you for moving on, not even Loki."

"I know. I just..." I looked up at them. "Nathan. He missed out on so much and it wasn't necessary."

Natasha took my hand. "It'll be different now. He won't miss anything else. We'll be sure of it."

I gave her a smile before looking around at my family, everyone listening to Loki as he described the conditions, the enemies fighting abilities. I couldn't help but think of how much we had all grown, together and separately. Loki gave out compliments, Steve put his hand on his shoulder and Loki even smiled back at him. Bruce and Loki getting along surprised me even more, given Loki's aversion to the Hulk.

Tony looked at me. "You okay, kid?"

"I'm just ready to get some revenge is all."

Bruce chuckled. "Well, not you personally."

I raised my eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

"Oh, I. Uh. I thought you'd stay home, with the kids."

I looked Bruce up and down. I know he didn't mean any offense to that but what? "Why would I? This is my family we're talking about. Buck could stay home."

"Yeah, right." Steve laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm just pointing out. I'm not staying back. Tony has a great sitter for Morgan. Not a single one of the parents here were planning on staying back and you'd be out of your mind to seriously think I would too when everyone I love is going out there." I crossed my arms and glared at Bruce.

"You're right. I'm sorry."

Tony stood up and walked towards me. "You could at least think about it. You're retired. You were supposed to be done fighting."

"So was Bucky."

"Bucky is what?" I heard the familiar voice from the doorway. We all turned and Bucky answered the question before I could ask it. "Morgan's sitter showed up with Morgan, offered to take them. So now answer. What am I?"

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