1 - The Plans

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Nathan had just turned one when Bucky and I finally decided to retire from the Avengers.

"It's the best thing for Nathan, Tony. We won't go far. But this isn't the life we want for him." I held Tony's hand as Bucky and I explained the decision to the team. Everyone took it well except Tony.

"No way. You're safe here." He insisted.

I sighed. "I can compromise. But we're retiring, and we're moving. That's happening, Tony."

Our compromise was FRIDAY, Tony's new Jarvis system, along with us only living a literal five minute walk from the new avengers compound. Tony insisted on building us our dream house. Bucky and I were both now out of a job, so a free house with no mortgage was not something we could argue. We drew up plans together, agreeing on almost everything, and then Tony came along and added a lot more tech than we would have wanted.

"Grandpa Tony is just a little overprotective, Nate. He loves you so much." I whispered as I brushed my nose against his. I couldn't believe how big he had gotten already. His dark hair and green eyes reminding me of his father, he smiled and would light up the entire room. He had everyone wrapped around his little finger already.

"Yeah, grandpa Tony just wants to keep you safe, baby." Tony cooed as he grabbed Nathan from my hands and spun him around. Nathan let out a loud laugh and I watched Tony's face melt into such love. It made my heart glow with warmth watching them. Almost as much as seeing Bucky with him.

"All right, nap time for the little demon." Bucky smiled and took Nate, bringing him to his room at the compound as Tony and I finished the plans.

"So, between the suits and the construction crew, should be about two months. Then you and the soup can can live your happily ever after." Tony packed up everything and smiled at me.

"Thank you, Tony. Seriously." I kissed his cheek before walking to my room. Bucky had put Nathan in his crib and was sitting in our living room on the couch. I sat next to him and told him what Tony said.

"Two months and then it's just you and me, doll." He kissed my forehead.

"Gonna be really boring without all the drama here."

"I think we can keep it interesting. Besides, we're due for a little boring, I think." He pulled me on top of him so I was straddling him, his hands wandered my body before he pressed his lips against mine.

It had been months after Nathan was born that Bucky and I finally had sex again. Between having a newborn, postpartum depression, and my still lingering guilt, it took me a while to feel ready. Yet Bucky was patient. Never doing more than I asked. Always the first to walk away when I felt overwhelmed. And every single time since then, he's been slow and patient, catering to me and everything I needed. I never felt the least bit unwanted or unsatisfied.

We laid on our couch, naked. Not speaking, just enjoying each other. Bucky played with my hair and hummed a song I couldn't quite make out. I laid my head on his chest and thought of our new life together and what that would entail. We'd have to get a job, one of us. At least something part time. Tony was taking care of all the utilities and all, since we would still technically be a part of the compound. But I wanted to get our own groceries, more things for Nathan as he grows, more things to make our lives ours. Bucky had so much decided for him in his life, I wanted our life together to be all about joint decisions.

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