2 - The Move

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I watched Nathan play with Clint and Laura's new son. He pushed his favorite car over to him and smiled. I watched them while Bucky and Clint finished bringing the last of our boxes in. When they finished, Bucky wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my neck.

I looked behind me and smiled. "Oh, thought you were my other boyfriend."

Bucky rolled his eyes. "Very funny." He continued kissing my neck and I leaned against him. "I was thinking."

"Oh, that's can't be good." I giggled.

"You know what..." he grumbled.

"I'm sorry, Bucky. What were you thinking?"

He pulled away from my neck and sighed. "What if... And it's okay if you say no I don't want to pressure you or anything..." I raised my eyebrow and turned to look at him. "What if we have another baby?"

I pulled away from him completely to look at him. "You want another baby?" We hadn't even talked about it before, but really we hadn't talked about babies before Nathan happened either so...

"I do. I see Clint's kids with their siblings and I remember mine... I just think Nathan should have that. And I love you, and Nathan, so so much."

I smiled and grabbed his hands. "Then you should get on that, Soldier."

I watched as Bucky's eyes lit up and he smirked, grabbing my by my hips and throwing me over his shoulder. "Clint! Watch the kids!" Bucky yelled as he brought me upstairs to the new master bedroom and we made it ours.


"A girl? Y/N that's so perfect!" Wanda hugged me. "Do you have a name picked?"

"Lily Elizabeth." I smiled and Bucky wrapped his arms around me.

Wanda smiled. "I've always loved the name Elizabeth. I'm so happy for you too."

"We all are." Tony smiled.

Sam walked over and started talking to my stomach. "I can't wait to meet you Lily Elizabeth Barnes. Maybe by the time you show up, your mommy will have the same last name as you do. Because somebody is doing this all the wrong way." Sam looked at Bucky and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't be so dramatic, Sam."

"I'm just saying!"


"Don't worry about anything, Y/N. We can't wait to spend the day with our god children." Wanda's face lit up when I put Lily in her arms. "You two need this date night. Bucky is so excited."

"I am too. It's been so long." I kissed my babies goodbye and Bucky was at the car waiting. My heart still melted when he smiled at me, how did I get so lucky? He opened the car door for me and got in on the other side. "So what exactly are we doing today?"

"Something simple, in case you get cold feet and want to run home to the kids." He smiled at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, 'cause you won't be missing them at all."

Bucky didn't answer, just chuckled as he drove away. It wasn't long until we stopped. I looked around and there was a beautiful open field, Bucky reached around to the backseat and pulled out a picnic basket. Perfect. He was so perfect.

We sat on the blanket and talked about the kids mostly. He laughed at my inability to talk about anything else.

"They're my whole life." I shrugged. "Them and you." Bucky leaned in and kissed me, placing something in my hand. I pulled away and looked at the small box.

"You're my whole life too, Y/N. I never would have imagined this life for me. And I love it so much. I love you so much. I want to love you for the rest of our lives. I can't imagine a life without you by my side. Will you marry me?"

I threw myself on top of him. "Yes, of course!"

"You didn't even look at the ring, Y/N." Bucky laughed.

"I'm looking, okay I'm looking now." I opened the box and it was beautiful. A simple band with a large center stone and two smaller ones on either side. "My god, it's beautiful, Buck."

"Nat helped pick it out." He shrugged but had a huge smile on his face.

"I love you, so much."

"I love you too."

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