8 - The Pancakes

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I woke up and the kids were still asleep, perfect. I climbed out of bed and walked to the kitchen to start some coffee and saw Loki. He was looking around confused, I knew what he was looking for. Or who.

"She goes for runs with Sam in the morning."

Loki just nodded in response and I turned to start a pot of coffee. I knew the kids would be up soon so I started pulling out the ingredients to make pancakes today, and sure enough, as I started mixing them the kids come running down.

"Daddy!" Nathan smiled at me and then looked to Loki, then back at me. "Um, what's for breakfast?"

"Pancakes. Why don't you and your sister go to your playroom and I'll let you know when it's done?"

"Otay! Come on Lily." Nathan gave one last look towards Loki, and I watched as they left and Loki watched them go.

"You can go with them, their playroom is straight down that hall, I'm sure you'll hear them." I spoke, looking at the bowl in front of me.

"Are... Are you certain?"

"Yeah, go ahead." Loki started to walk away but I called after him. "Loki. You want chocolate chips or blueberries?" I pointed at the bowl.

"Chocolate chips, I suppose." He smiled at me. I gave a half smile to return the favor but when he left I sighed.

I know I should be happy he's alive. I should be. I'm awful if I think anything else. He's my child's father, Y/N cares for him deeply. I know she loves me, but there was a bond with him I'd never understand. And now he's back. And the kids.

I took a deep breath as I thought about what this would mean for my children. Loki could have claims to Nathan, as much as it kills me. Would he want them? My heart ached at the idea of having my own child part time, having another family care for him. And it wouldn't even be on this planet? What if he just never came home... How would this affect Lily?

I tried to shake my head, ridding myself of the thoughts as I flipped a pancake. I can't think like that, I have to just go with what's happening, support Y/N as much as possible. I would fight for my family if necessary, but hopefully it wouldn't be.

I transferred the last of the pancakes to a plate just as Y/N walked in, "Hey babe!"

I smiled at her. "Hey, doll." It had been years, but every time she walks through that door I'm grateful to have her all over again. I never thought I could have the type of happiness she's given me.

"Hope you don't mind I invited Sam."

"Oh, sure. Not at all." I replied sarcastically.

"Missed you too, buddy. Ooh pancakes!" Sam reached for a pancake off the top of the stack and I smacked his hand.

"Come on. Eat like a civilized human. I'm going to get the kids." I walked to the playroom and I peaked in. I saw Nathan and Lily playing, occasionally making comments to Loki who just smiled. I walked in. "Hey, guys. Pancakes are done. And Uncle Sam is here."

"UNCLE SAM!" They ran out the room and I rolled my eyes.

"Still not too fond of Wilson, I see." Loki smirked as he stood up.

"He's fine, just a pain in my ass." I turned and walked back to the kitchen while Loki followed. Lily was sitting on Sam's lap and he was feeding her a pancake that was more syrup than pancake, Nathan hadn't touched his food yet, though. I gave him a look and he smiled.

"I wanted to wait for you and Loki." I smiled and then gestured for Loki to sit and sat next to Y/N.

"So this is a fun family get together here." Sam let out a chuckle.

"Sam, not now." I shot him a glare.

The table suddenly got quiet and I sighed. I needed to control my anxiety about this situation better. I shouldn't be snapping at Sam, even if he did deserve it. I looked over at Y/N and she was staring at her plate. I resisted the urge to reach for her.

After the kids finished eating, Sam stood up holding Lily. "So, how do you guys feel like a sleepover at the compound tonight?"

"Yay!" They yelled and I smiled at Sam, grateful.

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